Tag: Travel Tips

American Express

In the Russian airport: – do not put bags with the most expensive things on top of a luggage trolley – wear a money, valuables and documents close to your body, such as in a purse around the neck or in your pocket clothes that cover a button or zipper – if you are still robbed, yell as loudly as possible to the surrounding and the security service responded immediately. – Be suspicious if a few people coming to you ask questions, "accidentally" pushed or spill something on your clothes and things – do not allow strangers to help you carry bags in which you have valuable things. MONEY. In a trip to take a better dollar ( preferably small – to exchange money, often becomes a problem), but you can get some euros for settlements retsepshene hotel. Do not change currency in the local currency (Turkish lira), at the airport in Antalya, the retsepshene hotel, small shops – the course is very disadvantageous. Better to do it in the official exchanger, under the guise of CHANGE OFFICE. In practice, any store accept currency without restrictions, so it makes sense to change a small amount to pay for small purchases and for travel from the hotel to the city, etc. In large centers can pay our rubles, but the course is different from the central bank for 2 – 3 BR.

All major credit cards: Visa, Master, American Express and others SAFE. If you are traveling for shopping, no cost to bring large sums of money – any major purchase you can pay at the hotel, as it is not necessary to carry a passport (it is replaced by a plastic bracelet on her arm, the hotel's name), tickets, important documents, cash and valuables are best kept in the hotel safe. If it is not in the room, it can be rented for a small fee at the reception at the hotel, otherwise, for all the loss, the hotel is not responsible.

Currency Exchange

Prices most of the products in Greece is lower than in other Western European countries. The exceptions are electronics and automobiles. Duty-free shops have a sign: 'Hellenic Duty Free Shop'. Sale of winter things going on in January-February, summer – in August and September. When buying a fur coat to get two cash receipts. In the checks should be listed surname and name of the purchaser, the name of the product and its value in local currency. Best buy coat in the factory or in large stores. Currency Exchange: Banks are open on weekdays from Monday to Thursday from 8.00 to 14.00, from 8.00 to 13.30 on Fridays.

Currency can be exchanged in exchange offices, working after the siesta, as well as on weekends. Customs control: Duty-free can carry all your personal belongings, food and drinks up to 10kg, cigarettes – 300 pcs., Spirits – up to 1.5 liters or 2 liters of wine, playing cards up to 2 decks. Italy In Italy you can buy clothing from leading manufacturers of luxury directly from warehouses, which will retail much cheaper than buying in magazine.Magaziny: open from 8.00 am to 13.00 and from 15.30 to 20.00. On Mondays and Sundays all shops are closed. If you pay goods or services should require a tax receipt. Without this certificate the client shall not be entitled to leave the institution.

From 7 January to 1 March in Italy, a general sale. On the territory of Milan and Naples are warehouses that sell clothing directly from manufacturers. Therefore, these cities are most popular among tourists. Europe's largest wholesale center located in Naples, CIS. On its territory there are 350 stores of major Italian manufacturers. Exchange: Opening hours in summer from 09.00 – 13.00 and 16.00 – 19.00 in winter from 16.00 -18.00. From 13.00 to 16.00 siesta – almost no institution is not working.

Mitsubishi Space Star Side

There is the nearest to us consulate. What would like to advise: Be sure to call before you go – there are not visiting days. Documents we have handed over about 15 minutes. A week later came and for even shorter time got all our passports with visas ready. We have not asked a single question. So all those scare Schengen – do not believe.

We set out from Dnepropetrovsk May 9, 3:00 am at our limo called Mitsubishi Space Star. We – my husband, myself, my sister and her friend. I – the driver, her husband – the navigator. Four of them travel more fun and gasoline is not so noticeable. On the road we have not in a hurry, stop to eat and walk. Therefore, to Uzhgorod reached at 18.30, overcome the first 1174 km. In Uzhhorod, spent the night in the hotel Intourist Transcarpathia. Rooms are inexpensive, but excellent condition.

Recommended! In the evening our machine washed and went for a walk around the city. All very nice. Worth a look. Next day (May 10). At 6.40 am, who filled all the way, we drove to the border. The terminal is located right in the city, which is good news. From the Ukrainian side, we were alone! This provoked a stormy, and, of course, premature joy. On the Slovakian side have already been added, turn + shift change time-out. But everything went fine. We do not inspect, nothing more was not asked, stamped the passport, and we went on a first country of our route. All border occupied for 2.5 hours. They say it is not bad at all. Do not forget the lights! Penalties for not included lights are very decent. We, by the way, once the local police were stopped for what was included with the fog near light. This can be done only in severe weather and fog.