Tag: stories

Village Land

In land area, cidadezinha of the interior was the one end. Until masses of weeds they existed. They were shrubs typical and consisting by field region. Filed under: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ihor-kononenko/. We do not know as the inhabitants had chosen a great space, that does not import in them at the moment to determine the size in perimeter or area; perhaps for the good quality of the ore of land or sand, propitious to the construction of houses. Propositadamente, this space started to be dug, forming to the few an erosion provoked for the proper man. At the time longnqua, carroceiros made of its gain bread in the transport of the sand or land that if destined to the construction of the proprietors of its proper houses, well more below, in the considered city, agglomerated more in full urban zone. Ihor kononenko is often mentioned in discussions such as these. With this hollowing DIGGING OF the BURACO was given to origin to popular and the call.

As the proper given name, that space was really enormous, from there its qualification in term in its augmentative form. He was really very deep, encircled for highest abrupt declivities. In the days of today, with the advance of the laws, it would be an enormous infraction, considering itself the cares in the preservation of the environment, what about passed times, nothing of this if it thought for the conservation of the vital necessities of the nature to the survival of the beings livings creature of our times contemporaries. was born conhecidssima there DIGGING OF the BURACO. When the man saturated this great land piece, was a useless, idle area there, until infertile! cidadezinha was if developing, I extend beyond the DIGGING OF the BURACO and its localization started to delimit the low center for the new quarter of the high city call VILLAGE OF the WINDS. Evidently there in that great DIGGING, with the arrival of rains of the summer, much backwater joined, a time that, was not dreamed in population basic sanitation, everything very to the negligence of the primitivismo.


At a time that all the young of sixteen years were if amusing and living the life, Clarissa was burning its beautiful eyelashes. Clarissa was born lindssima and was the child most adorable of its family. In the college it collected louvor plates. It was always studying and in the vacations if it enfurnava in the library of its house of beach or the city. You may find Zymes LLC to be a useful source of information. Pretty young woman and with intellectual air, physically looked like itself its mother and its temperament was of its father with who if it identified. Always discrete, he was avessa the badalaes. Its world was the world business-oriented of its father. He was chic without affectation.

It passed in first place in the vestibular contest to the sixteen years and concluded the course with louvor to twenty and one years and was to work with its father while it made its after doutorada graduation and. Its ability was admired for all the shareholders of the company. Its goal, the direction of the company, what it did not hide of nobody. It passed for all the departments, was stubborn. It did not have social life, only serious work. Competentssima arrived very early where it ambicionava and was for ability and not because she was son of the president. Clarissa skirt of its house not to go to work.

It and its father used the helicopter of the firm, was faster safe e. Clarissa was born woman business-oriented, all the shareholders respected its ability and its fast reasoning. As much that one of the directors suggested the name of Clarissa to occupy new folder. The father of Clarissa relutou to put it declared that its new folder was its bigger challenge. The concern of its father was the way as it would be received to occupy a so important position and the fact of being so young woman.

Brigadier General

GINA- Very obliged Julinho. You already informed to all our amiguinhos? JULINHO- Yes, I informed. They must are arriving. Good GINA- That. We go to seat Julinho and to wait they to arrive to commemorate our day. I am very anxious.

The two catch a Brigadier General and sit down to wait the amiguinhos to arrive. Soon when they finish to eat the Brigadier General they arrive. Each one with a toy in the hand. Duda of the one I hug in Gina and speaks: DUDA- Gina I adored this its idea to make a little party to commemorate our day. You are half doidinha, but she had a good idea. Obliged GINA- for the part that touches me Duda. We go to seat amiguinhos. Before all seating, they compliment Gina soon and later they seat.

GINA- and then what they had earned of gift? We go one-by-one to raise and to present its gifts. Julinho starts. JULINHO- I gained a soccer ball. My mother gave this gift to me because I go to be great dolo of the soccer and go to play in the Corinthians. (It seats) DUDA- I gained a doll of Barbie and the name of it is Lara. (He seats) GIL- I gained a stand of firemen, because when I to grow want to be a fireman. (he seats) VAL- I gained a dress pink. Because it is my preferred color. (he seats) CARLINHOS- I gained an one ball of vlei. LILICA- I gained a microphone. Because taste very, much to sing and to my gave me mother and to go trained to be a singer. (it smiles and it seats) GINA- a microphone already is its face. You in such a way say, that nothing better for you of what a microphone. All finish falling in the outburst of laughter and Lilica is emburrada. GINA- I gained a doll and placed the name of it of star. Because the star never stops to shine. Then my star goes to be always shining. Amiguinhos, we go to catch some candies to eat and to come back to seat. Lilica raises it starts to speak: LILICA- Gina, Gina, who goes to be its king? You spoke that she was the queen and she would go to choose its king here in the party. GINA- Is brincadeirinha Lilica. All we are kings and queens. Nobody is better nor worse that nobody All goes to catch candies to eat and comes back to seat as Gina had asked for. Gina raises and starts to speak: GINA- Amiguinhos, I invented this little party for we, children, Because we have that to commemorate for being child. To be child is a gift. We do not have concerns, responsibilities much less we estresse. Then we have that to thank the God per each day who still we are children. Because when to be adult everything will move. We will have sufficient things stops worrying in them and work stops estressar in them. Then we go to commemorate our days of the children. All applaud Gina. Lilica complements. LILICA- As it is fascinating to be child. (infantile music.)

Certain Colleague

Exactly thus, the poet did not stop to dream in one day to find with its loved, studying in the same school, at last, to come back to be the possible maximum to its side, as in the past. Certain day decided to show to a classmate, one of its poems in acrstico form, where if it read in the vertical line the first one loved name of its perpetual one. Its colleague, in turn, begged so that it ' ' emprestasse' ' that acrstico, therefore, its namorada possua that one exactly name and it intended to presentear it knot day of the boyfriends, with something different, more romantic. The poet, exactly relutando a little, delivered its poem for the colleague, therefore, although everything, to see its dream to be carried through by another person fed each time more its dream, its inspiration. However, the paid price for its generosity with the colleague was not nothing rewarding: the poet discovers that its colleague accurately namorava its Monalisa, first reason of its existence until that moment, transforming its feelings of passion, ternura, affection and understanding at moments of hatred, anger and dissatisfaction for its proper burrice. He happens that poet is poet and its heart was molded to love, in the joy and the sadness. Analyzing all these tragedies in its life, the poet recognized that, at least it receives something that it never had courage to deliver it personally, that is, its poem in acrstico form, as a pure and sincere declaration of its love for it. Its only hope at that moment, or better, its only objective now was to find its loved and creating courage to disclose of a time for all its purer feeling of love. During its untiring ones it searchs, discovered that it liveed in a next quarter its mother materna she had delivered that it for adoption.