Tag: Parenting


Before the first vaccination with DTP vaccine should do blood tests and urine tests, as well as a neurologist to obtain a permit vaktsinatsiyu.Pri have a child allergic disorders (diathesis, etc.), talk with your doctor in advance scheme prevention of exacerbation of allergies. Usually it is a method of antihistamines (suprastin, fenistil) for 2 days before vaccination and 2 days after. Before vaccination for a day at night is recommended to place Viburkola candle, on the morning of vaccination, on the evening of vaccination, and so on for 3-5 days. If you have not already, buy a children's fever with acetaminophen. Better to buy a candle, as in syrups flavors themselves can cause adverse reactions. Whenever Featured Customers listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Buy analgin.

On the day privivkiNe enter new lure or new kinds of food. If the child is breast-fed – do not enter into your diet new products. Do not forget to take antihistamines and other medications that are prescribed by a doctor. Make sure the house is analgin (especially in the case of DPT vaccine), and children with paracetamol suppositories (Efferalgan, Panadol). Do not rely solely on the homoeopathic drugs – they can be used, but the strong reactions to vaccinations, they will not help. If the child is old enough – never, even in jest do not frighten the child vaccination. If a child asks about a shot – Be honest, tell me what it can be a bit painful, but it's only a few seconds.

Before leaving the domEsli you have a vaccination certificate, which shall be vaccinated, take it with you. Be sure to bring a favorite toy or a diaper baby. At the time of vaccination Before the privivkoyUbedites together with the doctor that the child at the time of vaccination is no increase in temperature. This is the only universal contraindication to vaccination. Ask your doctor on what and what kind of vaccine to vaccinate a child today will be.