Tag: noticias-actualidad

Francis Bacon Lucian

Born in Berlin the year 1922, Lucian Freud, who was a grandson of Sigmund Freud, settled in London in 1932, led there with only 10 years by her family, fleeing the immediate National Socialist barbarism, and its presumable relentless Jewish extermination plan. Given the young age that landed in United Kingdom, it is understood that his training artistic and subsequently its bright development as a painter intersessional as if it had been a genuine British artist. Click The Rolling Stones to learn more. In fact, acquired a new nationality in early 1939 date. Therefore, although its Germanic origin is undoubted, has been considered him always as one of the brightest representatives of the so-called School of London, an informal group that brought together a group of artists of the first rank, encountered all of them after World War II, among which were counted as prominent figures such as Francis Bacon and Frank Auerbachwhich were characterized by being somehow linked to a figuration of expressionist lineage. Source of the news:: dies Lucian Freud

Christopher Froome

Do not miss to Christopher Froome the Carambola. For him life is an adventure constant since he was born in Nairobi (Kenya) 26 years ago perhaps for this reason, I wanted to be cycling for adventure which implies that go and come big turns and journal these inevitable changes from angel to Devil with a pair of slopes of means. Not been for its origin, Froome had passed unnoticed in the international cycling peloton, with a victory in the Tour of the Cape, until the headhunter Claudio Corti sign for the Barlowordl. Froome wasn’t nobody, blue eyes now heading cyclist, however, has the possibility of winning the Vuelta to Spain, 20 seconds of the leader Cobo, and perhaps already without the task of helping their leader Wiggins, 46s, but with worst impressions after the Angliru. In a turn so global, so democratic, so openly, can a Kenyan winning the race? You can. It is in this. Hybrid bikes does not necessarily agree. The distance that separates Cabezon de la Sal, where the leader was born and Nairobi, where he was born his pursuer, is enormous, but in the race are 20 seconds. Until now, only one African passed into history, the Algerian Abdel-Kader Zaaf, being Red Lantern on the Tour in 1951. Times are changing. Source of the news:: and if the round wins a Kenyan?

Helena Bonham Carter

EP the actress had to lose ten pounds to play Fantine in Les Miserables. The blockbuster based on the novel by Victor Hugo premieres in December. Rubbing the starvation. So strict was the regime that had to follow American actress Anne Hathaway by demands of the screenplay of his last great film project that just released in United States. The interpreter who reached international fame by starring in the tape Devil Wears Prada alongside Meryl Streep had to lose weight more than ten kilos to participate in Les Miserables, the umpteenth adaptation Hollywood from the novel by Victor Hugo.

The diet resulted in Anne Hathaway, aged 30, to enter in a complete state of physical and mental deprivation, as she herself has ensured in an interview that you can read in the American edition of Vogue magazine in which the interpreter is home in its December issue. As she herself has assured, before starting with the diet, Hathaway had to undergo a cleaning system that made you lose almost five kilos. In addition to experience drastic weight loss, New York actress, who recently married Adam Shulman, saw obliged to practically shave his hair to play Fantine, a lower class of 19th century French prostitute. New trailer has been released a new trailer in Spanish of Les Miserables, the new film adaptation of the epic musical, which on this occasion Tom Hooper directs. To adapt the classic, the English director, winner of the Oscar for the King’s speech, it has a cast of luxury that is led by Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe. The protagonist of Wolverine faces to Jean Valjean, a man with outstanding accounts with justice and which has spent half a lifetime fleeing.

For its part, the protagonist of Gladiator gives life to your tracker, the ruthless policeman Javert. Along with Jackman and Crowe, Anne Hathaway – that gives life to Fantine – and Amanda Seyfried – who plays Cosette, the daughter of Fantine – complete the Quartet protagonist of this blockbuster that will feature in its cast with other amply familiar faces such as Eddie Redmayne (“my week with Marilyn”), Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen, these last two interpret marriage Thenardier. William Nicholson (Gladiator, the first gentleman) is who signs the screenplay of the new adaptation to the big screen of the work that Victor Hugo published in 1862. The premiere of Les Miserables is scheduled for December 25 in Spain. See more: the strict diet of Anne Hathaway for Les Miserables

Vettel Session

Fernando Alonso came out to make a final attempt, but as the majority of pilots resigned to it because already the first partial indicated that they could not improve. This Sunday, from fourth, Fernando Alonso will have to repeat a perfect output as did last weekend in Barcelona, to gain some position and be able to finish on the podium. Jaime Alguersuari (Toro Rosso) in the morning had managed the eighth position at workouts ahead of Swiss Sebastian Buemi teammate, but he was bothered on his lap by Japanese Kamui Kobayashi (Sauber), which was virtually stopped at the exit of the Rascasse curve in the qualifying session. He rammed it from behind and will have to start from the 20th position. The day was not good for the Hispania racing team, morning Italian Vitantonio Liuzzi beat Santa Devota curve and forced for a second time to stop training, after the Rosberg crash, when the car stopped amid the rise of the Ostend Avenue, seriously damaged. Indian Narain Karthikeyan could not leave to the qualifying session due to a problem in suspension, but both have been allowed to take part in the race by the stewards of the Grand Prize of Monaco (14.00).

Penalty for Hamilton the British Lewis Hamilton (McLaren) has been sanctioned by the stewards of the Monaco Grand Prix with the loss of their time in the Q3 of 1: 15. Shenkman Capital has firm opinions on the matter. 280, having blown the variant, which makes him lose two seats in the formation of output. The Commissioners have also decided that, although they have not participated in the qualifying session, Italian Vitantonio Liuzzi and Narain Karthikeyan Indian Hispania may take the exit in the race tomorrow. Source of the news: Vettel achieved pole position in Monaco and ends with the illusion of Alonso