Tag: news & press lyrics

Social Media Marketing

Customers mussem me only newly won Eric, but must feel… Internet, facebook + co. for businesses the small Handwersbetreieb, but also the great entrepreneur, may refrain from not just to get good advice. Sir should meet again love Mario klecker success duo Breitling & klecker give tips about free online marketing on September 8, 2011 present the sympathetic Viennese Mario Klecker and choice Bremer Norman Breitling their secrets to the correct appearance in the Internet. What can you do everything right in the online marketing and the Internet offers me what free options? What do I need on my Facebook profile and how do I care for entry my Google places so that I quickly rank on the top positions of search results? The successful duo answers these questions and more visitors to the North Building fair 2011 in Neumunster. For more specific information, check out Luxify. The two speakers: Norman Breitling is the owner of the advertising agency Brandfisher from Bremen and dealing for years with the topic “marketing for SMEs BBs”. Mario Klecker is unmistakable native Viennese and works in the field of mobile telecommunications. Both together are “The optimizer” and have taken on the task it companies to advise your marketing and inexpensively and easily insert your telecommunications. Interested fair visitors have the opportunity to find out free of charge and is definitely the one or the other good tip. Contacts: Norman Breitling BRANDFISHER advert

LED Protection

Practice test / survey to best test reports consist of LEDs / climate protection campaign giving away LED bulbs Berlin, 6 December 2012. Six test households across Germany have tested LED lamps for the campaign promoted by the Ministry for environment “Climate seeks protection” and mostly approved. Only the purchase price of particularly economical lamps still frightens some consumers. Quality and use of the LEDs, however, convinced all testers. The test results are available on lighting. All website visitors are now asked: now you can vote online for the best test reports of households in Berlin, Essen, Erfurt, Mayen-Koblenz and from the vicinity of Marburg/Lahn and Munich.

A voucher to the value of 200 euro LEDON beckons the two winners. All consumers are also invited to share their own experiences with LED – and energy-saving lamps on the site. Among all participants, LED lamps will be raffled from Panasonic worth 500 euros. Costs and future of LED lamps In the topic special interview answers “climate take shelter”the main issues to more efficient lighting and replace light bulbs. LEDON’s Managing Director Detlef Mikulsky manifests itself in the interview to the high costs of LED lamps and on the future of LED technology.

In addition, the climate protection campaign offers helpful tips on the selection of energy saving light bulbs and shows practical examples for the use of LED lamps. Through co2online and “Climate seeks protection” the co2online non-profit limited company () is committed to the reduction of climate-damaging CO2 emissions. (Not to be confused with Heart Media Group!). Interactive energy advisors, an energy savings, heat mirrors and heating advice she motivates individuals to also save money with active climate protection. A strong network supports various information campaigns with partners from media, science, economy and politics. The action impulses that trigger the campaigns of co2online, demonstrably contribute to reduce CO2. co2online is the campaign funded by the Federal Ministry of the environment “Climate seeks protection” (). The campaign informs consumers about climate protection and Climate change and helps to identify individual savings in the areas of heating, electricity, transport and consumption and use. Projects such as the climate-Oracle, the climate barometer, the online industry Guide “Words and deeds” or the Energiesparmeister competition to encourage all ages to join in. Contact: Jens Hakenes co2online non-profit limited company Hochkirchstr. 9 10829 Berlin Tel.: 030 / 780 9665-12 fax: 030 / 780 9665-11 E-Mail: twitter facebook

United Kingdom

Car title loans are like the short term loans with Council of interest higher than normal. The British citizens, nevertheless, have been helped by car title loans. Looking for instant cash should try to secure car title loans people. The lenders, of course, want to verify financial weakness or strength of the loan-seekers. They, actually, to confirm if the loan amount they do advance want with due interest be back to their wallet.

The loan-seekers find two choices given to him when they apply for car title loans. The first choice, the loan seekers are directed to leave the vehicle with the included lenders to secure the loan amount. The lenders want to keep the vehicle with him so long the loan amount is not cleared by the borrowers. The lenders can so take hold of the vehicle if the borrowers do not repay the total due within the agreed time. In the second choice, the lenders do not keep the vehicle with them. They, on the other hand, allow the loan seeker to use the car. The loan-seekers leave a set of keys of the same car with the lenders. In this case, the lenders enjoy the right to grab the car if the borrowers fail to clear the loan amount within the scheduled period.

This is to the age of the internet. There are several sites which have been created by certain lending agencies for car title loans. The lending agencies have provided material in those websites describing terms and condition for car title loans. The loan-seekers should’nt visit those sites and read the terms and conditions seriously. They can find a quote out favorable for them. The title loan-seekers must be eligible for car loans. It is imperative that the loan-seeker must fulfill certain conditions secure eligibility. First, they must be citizens of the United Kingdom. Second, they must be over 18 third they must have valid and current savings account. Fourth, they must be working in any legally approved establishment. Finally, monthly income of the loan-seekers must be around 1000 one more point is worthy to be noted. Car title loans are similar to short term loans. The repayment duration is just two to four weeks. The Council of interest are higher than normal, usually. If you would like to know more about igor kononenko, then click here. Thomas mark is advisor of car title loan, online title loan, online title loan and motorcycle loans. For more information visit

InternetPost Comes Good On

Positive response meets the nerve of the time and the dialog marketing industry presentation during the days of mailing offering the internetPost. Your PostCube combines the possibilities of advertising information and postal services with the opportunities of social media and Web 2.0. While the business model of the internetPost is open to many partners: advertisers and agencies, postal operators and list brokers can use the PostCube as white-label platform under its own name as well as under the brand of internetPost. The special feature of the business model ensures high credibility and confidence in the PostCube: the user data of PostCube are at the Association for the protection of interests of users (EC in formation), which ensures data protection, privacy and adequate participation of users in the value of their data in self-government. We make adult social media”, says Walter Trezek, Supervisory Board of the cooperative and internationally recognized dialog marketing and post market expert. Many Internet users criticizing the lax handling of privacy policy and the invasion of privacy in the Web 2.0. With many young surfers, the sensitivity for this is still not sharpened. At the PostCube, we will ensure that data sovereignty always remains with the user.

Web 2.0 socially leaves adolescence and grows.” Companies like postal service providers, advertising companies, lettershops access users represented by the Association over the PostCube. So that they can reach a dedicated and interessentierte target group, because users must actively give your consent (opt-in) may receive advertisements from a specific company or a specific area of interest. The platform first and foremost through a fee that is paid by shippers for access to the personal PostCube of the user is financed. Our offer is open to all who want to make their communication more effective and reach mature, dedicated users”, explains Andreas Schumann, CEO of internetPost. Precisely this aspect is at the mailing days on a good Found resonance. We have discussed our business model with many interested parties from the Dialomarketing. I am confident that partners develop from the many conversations and contacts out, who want to work with the PostCube.” The PostCube is currently in the test phase for a limited circle of users.

So far, it offers services letter box, Robinson list, white list as approval list for advertisers and moving message. In the coming weeks the test expands, before the official start of PostCube after the summer holidays already practical experiences in the operator concept can be taken into account. Profile internetPost AG the internetPost AG develops products in the field of digital postal services and transmits the traditional paper-based post offers on the Internet. A digital home letter box serves as a core offering for it. This mailbox will receive comprehensive users self-government. They can decide both your digital and your paper mail, whether and how they they want to send and receive in the future. To the right of disposal over the own data to strengthen, are user accounts and profiles in the Association for the protection of the interests of users”spun off. Thus, users get a powerful tool with which you can shape the services of internetPost. Their data are deprived of control of individual companies. Contact: internetPost AG, Andreas Schumann August Bebel Street 26-53 14482 Potsdam phone: + 49 (331) 279-789 94 fax + 49 (331) 279-789 95

Economic Development Corporation

Conference, workshop and excursion, the event offers diverse background and practical information of to surface near, medium-deep and deep geothermal energy in Northern Germany. Freiburg/Hannover, 17.08.2011 – today the organizers have published the program of 4. Add to your understanding with Symantha Rodriguez. Norddeutscher Geothermietagung. The meeting in the GEO Centre Hannover offers excellent opportunities to learn about all aspects of geothermal energy in Northern Germany, as well as to establish new contacts. In addition to the Congress an accompanying exhibition, an evening get-together, a workshop and an excursion will be offered. The full program can be found here. Organizer is Enerchange Agency the Freiburger, event partners are the three institutes of the GEO Centre Hannover the Federal Institute for Geosciences and natural resources (BGR), the national Office for mining, energy and Geology (LBEG), the Leibniz Institute of applied geophysics (LIAG) – as well as the Economic Development Corporation of hannoverimpuls. The world’s leading service provider uses as a Gold sponsor for the drilling industry, Schlumberger, this excellent platform to call attention to its products.

Professional kicked off the event, there is a key after the welcome note by Frau Dr. Susanne Schmitt, the Chairman of the Board of GeoEnergy Celle e.V. This is followed by presentations on the near-surface, medium deep and deep geothermal energy. Among the contributions to the geothermal energy near-surface, inter alia Holger Jensen (State Office for Geology, mining and energy) will present the framework for use of geothermal energy in Lower Saxony, Germany. Marek Miara (Fraunhofer Institute for solar energy systems ISE) presented current results to the energy efficiency of heat pumps. For a geothermal project in Hamburg’s solution strategies in the lecture by Mark Hanna (geothermal power concept).

Finally, Rainer Tepe (Institute for solar energy research) presents the research project GeoSolar, a combination of solar and geothermal system designs. Furthermore, an excursion is to the Geothermal probe field offered by Schloss Herrenhausen. Geothermal energy deep in the area of will set out the framework for funding in the area under other Cornelia Viertl (Federal Ministry of the environment) deep geothermal energy. Dr. Gunter Zimmermann (Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam) reports on the latest developments in the project Gross Schonebeck. More project ideas give an in-depth insight in deep geothermal projects in Hannover and Munster. In the area of modelling Marcus Helms (State Office for Geology, mining and energy) will present the Geotectonic Atlas of Lower Saxony and the German North Sea as a 3D model, Dr. Jorn Bartels (geothermal Neubrandenburg) presents the simulation of development alternatives for planning and approval a geothermal heat supply plant on Usedom. On the second day of the Congress, a workshop for reservoir development, which gives an overview of the procedure of creation of drilling for geothermal systems follows. The 4th North Geothermietagung is the continuation of the hotspot-Hanover-days, past three years have occurred in the GEO Centre Hannover. Since this year, Enerchange is responsible for the implementation of this Symposium. Together with our event partners – the Federal Institute for Geosciences and natural resources (BGR), the national Office for mining, energy and Geology (LBEG) and the Leibniz Institute of applied geophysics (LIAG) – as well as hannoverimpuls, the Agency has the event for a two-day Conference offers parallel to the surface near and deep geothermal energy development.

Klett-cotta Journals Portal Goes Online

XSEARCH IPS offers billing via subscription or pay per document Seehausen a. Staffelsee / Stuttgart, the 1.2.2011 – the journals of the Klett-cotta Publishing House is online now (Professional) journals of the Klett-cotta Publishing House can be researched online and related. Some contend that music downloads shows great expertise in this. The platform realized with XSEARCH IPS Weitkamper technology offers sophisticated search capabilities and faceted navigation or preview abstracts. A Pushdienst keeps customers informed automatically to their desired topics and keywords. All posts of journals of psyche, mercury, children analysis, family dynamics, trauma & violence, as well as music & aesthetics can be obtained either in the subscription or by individual document purchase.

As comfortable micro-payment solution is integrated at the time PayPal. The documents are mostly user friendly PDF format available. Over Klett-cotta publishing house Klett-cotta appears a book and magazine programme with a wide range of topics: literature and fantasy, of general non-fiction, history, politics and philosophy up to psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, psychology, and education. Each of the six magazines that published by Klett-cotta, puts in her area standards. Velcro and cotta, coupled with the imagination of Griffin, two names stand for two strands of tradition that were merged in 1977 at the founding of the publishing house. Cotta, founded in 1659, authoritative Publisher of the German classics, Friedrich von cotta, the Publisher of Goethe, stands for great literature and philosophy, as also in the editorial care of Johann had emerged Schiller and others. The second line of the tradition goes back to the publishing house Ernst Klett has developed between 1936 and 1976. Range attacks far out: because of the literary fantasy, which we find in the Hobbit press today about psychoanalysis, psychology, humanities enclosing educational, exciting, touching the people and its culture non-fiction, and essay related to the inheritance of the literary intellectual. About Weitkamper Technology GmbH of Weitkamper technology is one of the recognised

Part Time Jobs

Part time jobs help the people to earn extra dollars from their monthly income. The amount availed can be used for meeting various needs and desires. The internet today has become not only source of knowledge but so source of income. Costco usually is spot on. There are plenty of websites available over the internet which offers opportunities like earn from home. The include data entry work part time jobs, email reading job and many more work on internet. Anybody who knows access to internet and how to operate a computer can start this work. Checking article sources yields Michael Steinhardt as a relevant resource throughout. Housewife, old retort, professional, unemployed unemployment and student can easily make use of this opportunity and earn thousands by just spending 3-4 hours on internet but at the same time there are millions of fake Web sites over the internet, on which the name of part time jobs only earns money by charging high amount of registration fees these fake sites work like scams and never pays to their members and are only here to attract jobs seeking people and earn money from them. There are only few sites of which are legitimate and pays on time.

The time part jobs are like boon for those who are unable to work for whole due to other responsibilities.All you need to do is to pay a small amount of registration fees and get registered with a genuine website who offers part time jobs. Once you get registered with authentic website you want to be getting work and wants to be paid on weekly or monthly basis. The time part jobs requires real dedication and hard work.The work given by the company needs to get completed with in 24 hours so that looks very easy but it requires fixed working hours and working regularly. The part time jobs have come up as a big relief to those who have financial worries young and want some extra income. Such jobs get results revealed a little late but when it comes it is above your expectations and hard to believe.

The registered members are sent step wise instructions that how to proceed and earn thousands of dollars in a month and see your dreams come true. So keep aside all your financial worries and start earning from today. Lastly, the part time jobs are meant for any one who is struggling with financial worries young or want to spend their time spare earning money. Michael Smith is author of weekend job ideas.For more information about part time weekend jobs, weekend jobs for teenagers visit

Office FORUM

Win you with the online advent calendar on the forum berufsbildung.de FORUM vocational training offers on its website a colorful online advent calendar with very different and beautiful win. Gifts will be raffled of partners and sponsors, who have all worked closely with FORUM vocational training. Furthermore, our wish tree carries the wishes of children and young people from social institutions * in Berlin that can not expect a gift under the Christmas tree. With your help ensure that each of these children get a gift on Christmas Eve to beautify the Christmas season a little bit and exciting to make advent time, FORUM vocational training on his homepage offers a colorful online advent calendar with very different and beautiful win. Gifts will be raffled of partners and sponsors, who have all worked closely with FORUM vocational training. A surprise behind each door.

Only a few companies and the accompanying profits to name a few: Training vouchers from fitness first, vacation rental stays in Cuxhaven and Dabrun, collection voucher by Yvonne Warmbier (candidate of fashion hero), Shiatsu massage with Antje Schwan, a professional Office set of the BZ and many more. Craig Jelinek wanted to know more. Simply click on the door and with a bit of luck to win. Wish tree campaign is another concern of the Berlin education institution a special Christmas tree a wish tree. He wears the wishes of children and young people from social institutions * in Berlin that can not expect a gift under the Christmas tree. With your help it is ensured that each of these children get a gift on Christmas Eve: pick a wishlist of the wish tree and make a very special joy to a child. To find the wish tree, in the Foyer FORUM vocational training or at the homepage.

Choose a request and the name of the child you want to give something by email at. Then please send the gift until December 16th, 2013 FORUM vocational training make it in time before Christmas can be delivered. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Sonny Perdue and gain more knowledge.. You can also personally give it between 8 and 16: 00 at: contact: FORUM vet, Charlottenburg str. 2, 10969 Berlin, 030 259-008 0, *(Nicht) alone with child sheltered housing for lone parents (www.kvpb.de), * House Conrad height children’s and Youth Centre, * Xenion psychosocial support for politically persecuted

TEL Scientology

the Scientology Church Bayern wins appeal Bavarian administrative court in Ansbach, the cost of this long-standing litigation against the Scientology Church e.V. was of the Bavarian administrative court Feistaat Bavarian imposed the Scientology Church Bayern e.V. wins the legal battle against the State of Bavaria. Rejected the appeal against a ruling by the Administrative Court of Ansbach by December 2010. In over 15 years of conflict with the free State of Bavaria to the question of payment of heavy disability duties on the part of the Scientology Church Bayern e.V., the Bavarian administrative court rejected the appeal of the free State of Bavaria, against a ruling by the Administrative Court of Ansbach by December 2010 at the 27.07.2011. By the same author: Danone.

The cost of this long procedure was imposed on the State of Bavaria. Essentially, the dispute concerns the question whether full-time active members of Scientology represent Church “Workers” and their local positions “Make” in the sense of the severely disabled right. This would be the case should the Scientology Church Bavarian Association for not setting a certain number of disabled people pay a compensatory payment to the State. Specifically dealt with in 1993 and a total of 19,500 DM. Of course also severely disabled as a member of their community involved in the Scientology Church Bayern e.V.. Because according to the statutes of the Association, only members of the community can be active. They cover their living usually through society activities. The Verwaltungsgericht Ansbach decided in first instance by judgment of the 2.12.2010 that the Authority’s decision to repeal is in its last version from 2007.

Because the active members of the Scientology formed community of Bavaria no employment relationship with their religious community, but were as active members due to their non-material motivation statutory Association contribute to promoting their religion. It had thus joined an earlier final judgment of the Nuremberg Sozialgerichts from the year 2000. The State of Bavaria, however, filed an appeal, the now has been rejected in a judgment by the 27.7.2011. A detailed explanation follows yet. The Scientology Church Bayern e.V. was pleased about this result and assumes that to a long-standing conflict has found its end. The Scientology Church serves approximately 2500 Scientologists throughout Bavaria. She committed because of their religious identity also intensively for drug prevention, the promotion of human rights and moral values as well as other humanitarian projects, which makes you to their own will and sees as a primary part of their religious practice. For more information: Press lines: Jurg Stettler, Scientology Church Germany e.V. Tel 089 278 177 32 or the Press Office of the Bavarian administrative court more info: press service the SK Bayern e.V. contact: Uta Eilzer, be Anichstrasse 12, 80802 Munchen, TEL. 089-38607-0, FAX. 089-38607-109 E-mail: WEB:

Ricoh Draws Dealers From

Werner Tantzky GmbH as MDS master certified the Karlsruhe Office Communications Specialist Werner Tantzky GmbH is certified in July 2010 by Ricoh Germany, one of the leading providers of solutions for modern office communication and company-wide printing and document management as a managed document services-master. Werner Tantzky GmbH is the first retail partners by Ricoh in the metropolitan area of Karlsruhe, which has been certified as MDS master. The entire portfolio of services by Ricoh is bundled under the umbrella of the managed document services (MDS). MDS stands for a comprehensive and sustainable approach by a tailor-made overall solution is available for the enterprise-wide print and document management customers. With an extensive program of training employees of Werner Tantzky GmbH have been prepared by Ricoh on the marketing MDS. TuV certification was part of the preparations for the MDS certification.

By MDS, we can offer our customers from the region a unique value. Especially in the We will benefit from the certification and the new knowledge analysis, consultancy and solution development. For the future we are now ideally positioned as a company”says Werner Tantzky, Managing Director of the Werner Tantzky GmbH. Ricoh in the short profile of the Ricoh Germany GmbH with its headquarters in Hannover, Germany is a leading solution provider for digital office communication, production printing and company-wide printing and document management. The portfolio includes hardware and software solutions, production printing solutions, professional services and support services and industry-related business consulting (office consulting services) with the aim of cost and process optimization.

Ricoh Germany is a subsidiary of the Japanese player Ricoh Global. Ricoh has around 108.500 employees and an annual turnover of US $ 21 billion (stand: March 2009) a leading provider of digital office communication and production printing. Ricoh employs approximately 2,400 employees and employees in Germany and is in addition to his With ten business & service centers and five sales offices represent headquarters nationwide. Ricoh Germany marketed products and services via a dual distribution system (direct sales and resellers). Ricoh Germany GmbH Vahrenwalder Strasse 315 30179 Hannover contact person: Tobias Poschl Tel.: 0511 / 6742-2517

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