Tag: medicine

Elimination Of Warts

Warts Tatiana Molodtseva avilable skin and a large number of internal and external factors affecting it, cause a variety of skin diseases. Many diseases – feedback biological factors: microscopic fungi, animals, parasites and viruses. In everyday life we meet with warts, warts and unaware of their viral nature and, consequently, 'contagion'. Wart (verruca) – benign neoplasm of skin, rounded growths that are formed due to the strong growth of the epithelium and lying beneath the papillary layer of the skin, viral disease, which are ill more often children and teens. Pathogen is transmitted directly by contact with the patient and through household items. Small cracks, injury skin, sweating mogug contribute to disease. The incubation period for this infection of several months. In general, tumors on the skin – this is a serious thing.

Not all of them are warts. The main thing – do not take over the wart swelling of the skin. On the other hand, the warts themselves are able to be reborn in the tumor. Although warts are very common, a diagnosis alone is not always possible. Many people have the appearance of warts on the skin causes a feeling of fear and hostility.

In fact, warts can often grow like mushrooms after a rain – tight tiny growths. There are several types of warts. Common warts – a dense rounded painless nodules (3-10 mm in diameter) with a rough surface. They are located at back of the hands, fingers, face, scalp. Occur on the soles of the so-called plantar warts.


Especially with the figure of obesity in type ‘apple’ with preferential deposition of fat in the abdomen. Calculation of body mass index: weight (kg) / height squared (meters). High blood pressure (140/90 to mm Hg). Diabetes has occurred during image . zhizni.Chastye stressful situations. With the development of diabetes are violated not only carbohydrate but also fat and protein metabolism. As a result, patients with diabetes Diabetes lowers your resistance to many, including infectious diseases, they have a hard and long flowing other diseases, there are lesions of small vessels and circulatory disorders. There have been slow wound healing, blurred vision, numbness or tingling in hands and feet.

Diabetes is dangerous complications, it is important to identify as early as possible and prevent diabetes complications. Possible complications – the defeat of blood vessels and nerves. Particularly vulnerable are the fundus vessels that can lead to blindness, kidney blood vessels, which can lead to kidney failure, blood vessels and nerves of the legs, loss of heart vessels, causing myocardial infarction, and cerebral blood vessels, leading to a stroke. Eat right! If there is a risk of developing diabetes II-type, change your diet. Some foods that contain carbohydrates, during digestion converted into sugar more quickly than others. It is recommended to use the slowly digestible food: vegetables, beans, cabbage, eggplant, tomatoes, cherries, grapefruit, cereals (except semolina), eggs, fish, seafood. Avoid products that contain digestible carbohydrates: bread, butter, donuts, beer, sugar, sugary carbonated drinks.

In the food should be a lot of fiber, which slows the absorption of sugars in the intestine and prevent excessive fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Prevent the development of diabetes. Sometimes a diet is enough to compensate for disturbances (the so-called mild diabetes). It is recommended contained in fish oil and cold-pressed, for example, it is useful ‘Oil Walnut’. Eat oily fish three times a week, a little nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetables as a source of antioxidants. Excellent anioksidantom enjoying high demand is the product ‘Vin Vita’. Exercise. Give up smoking and alcohol. Herbal medicine. Come to the aid a range of products for the prevention and complex treatment of diabetes. Products that normalize blood glucose lowering effect and have are ‘Inutan’, ‘Inulin with selenium’ and ‘Sun Yantra. ” ‘Inutan’ contains a complex of plants rich in inulin: burdock root, dandelion, chicory, potatoes Jerusalem artichoke. The drug controls all types of metabolism, and normalizes blood glucose. In addition, it promotes integrated treatment and detoxification.

Dead Sea

These people are being treated for something similar with the treatment that is normally provided patients with psoriasis, but, with some important differences and exceptions. Sea and sun bathing as usually delayed for several days. Patient’s response to treatment is also constantly monitored and recorded. Patient care is carried out in this case even more carefully than in the treatment of other diseases. Symantha Rodriguez wanted to know more. Process treatment of patients with dermatitis held less intensive methods, as the rush here only to be hurt. Recommended treatment time is at 1 month, both in patients with psoriasis and a half or six weeks.

Most suitable period for effective treatment – from March to June and from October to December. That is, in the hottest summer months is better to avoid dermatitis patients from a trip to the Dead Sea. Patients with vitiligo receiving 4-week course of treatment, based on thalassotherapy heliotherapy. The most successful results are seen in the case, if the patient returned for treatment at the Dead Sea again a year later to the success of cures rheumatic diseases in no small measure contributes to a set of favorable factors: high temperatures and low humidity, high barometric pressure, oxygen saturation of air, great content bromine in the water. According to one study, patients with rheumatoid arthritis after a week of treatment (which included a stay in the Dead Sea and hot springs) argued that experienced a significant reduction pain syndromes.

According to them, dramatically reduces pain and tension in the arms and back. Even more important is that half of patients with rheumatoid arthritis who have undergone treatment at the Dead Sea is completely stopped or drastically reduced the reception of painkillers and other medications. Balneotherapy is often recommended for the weak manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis, while the efficiency of this technique for patients with significant inflammation doubtful. However, one recent study in this area has shown that patients suffering from acute rheumatoid arthritis, treatment at the Dead Sea brings significant relief and recovery. Observed reduction in duration of morning stiffness, increases the capacity for comfortable movement and muscular strength of hands. Treatment is complex and includes a mud bath and sulfide. Improvement in condition patient is observed for three months after fourteen treatments. At the same time is not observed any side effects and unintended consequences. Studies on klamatoterapevticheskomu treatment of patients with psoriatic arthritis and osteoarthritis knees, also show a significant improvement in the patient’s condition after his return home.


It is in the tissues there is a further differentiation of monocytes into tissue macrophages, which perform the basic functions of monocytes-macrophages. The main function of monocyte-macrophages is the absorption of foreign particles by phagocytosis, presentation of foreign antigens on their surface to T lymphocytes (helper), the synthesis and secretion of cytokines. Monocytes-macrophages provide a power supply by not only aerobic glycolysis, anaerobic glycolysis and, therefore they can operate successfully in the depth of the pathological process, such as abscess cavity. Through phagocytosis, monocytes were removed from the body dead cells, antigen-antibody complexes, the remnants of damaged cells and bacteria. With superoxide, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals have cytotoxic monocytes by tumor cells, toxoplasma, leishmania and pathogens malyarii.Norma monocytes in the blood of children and adults.

The norm of monocytes in the blood for adults is 1-8% of the total number of leukocytes, which is 0,04-0,7 * 109 / l in absolute numbers. Rate monocytes in the blood of children as a percentage of relatively stable and varies between 2-7% of the total number of leukocytes. For even more details, read what Debbie Staggs says on the issue. The absolute number of monocytes in children varies in proportion to changes in the number of leukocytes in the blood, ie, aged 1-3 days with normal white blood cell count 9,0-32,0 x 109 / L will be the number of monocytes 0,18-2,4 x 109 / l, and at the age of 7 years at the rate of white blood cell count 6 0-11,0 * 109/lPovyshenie and reduction of monocytes in the blood. Causes of monocytosis and monotsitopenii. Increase of monocytes in the blood of adults more than 0.7 x 109 / l or more than 8% of the total number of white blood cells called monocytosis. Monocytosis is subdivided into relative and absolute. Relative monocytosis characterized by increased percentage of monocytes than 8%, but the preservation of the absolute content of monocytes in the blood within normal limits. Relative monocytosis occurs with a substantial reduction in the content blood leukocytes others, such as neutropenia and lymphocytopenia, and usually has no diagnostic value.

With an absolute monocytosis observed increase in the total number of monocytes in the blood of adults more than 0.7 x 109 / l ( diseases in which monocytes in the blood increased Infections: infectious endocarditis; viral, fungal, protozoal and rickettsial diseases infektsii.Granulematoznye: pulmonary tuberculosis, extrapulmonary tuberculosis, lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, polyarteritis nodosa. Reduction of monocytes in the blood of adults below the 0.04 x 109 / l is monotsitopeniya. In children, the level of monocytes, below which the state is regarded as monotsitopeniya, varies and is determined depending on the age rebenka.Zabolevaniya in which the level of monocytes decreased. Here is a basic list of diseases and pathological conditions in which the level of monocytes in the blood reduced: Severe infections that occur with decreasing neytrofilov.Dlitelny reception . .. exhaustion.

Ategua Journalism

They say that you should have friends up in hell. And I am a friend of Julian Lago, which not is inferred necessarily be a devil, although we are sure that many believe Yes. Our professional careers coincided for the first time 28 years ago, that is, a little while, as who says. Debbie Staggs pursues this goal as well. They did in El Periodico de Barcelona, although Julian, closest to the real centres of decision-making, lived in the capital of Spain, where he was responsible for the Madrid Edition of the journal. They already see that man, who began in journalism with a few interviews that not desdecian of the teacher’s Manuel de el Arco, proved soon more ready than others of his generation.

In his curriculum consist significant achievements, like the weeklies time and rostrum, and television programs of less fuste but a lot more famous, such as that the truth machine series. A tale of all this? Because the journalist to pucelano my friend is from Valladolid, although this fact is little known now comes to Salamanca. Symantha Rodriguez might disagree with that approach. One of these confidential digital which are not right one or by mistake says coming to direct the second journal of more circulation of Castilla y Leon. The hypothesis of such dissemination is unverifiable, because the aforesaid newspaper not contained even in the specialty rankings. So, maybe, throw pulling many copies, but sell sell well inches. That is not what it purports to talk about this article, but dismal hobby of some entrepreneurs to constantly change their management teams, as if they were the guilty parties that the company do not lift head. Like many Presidents of soccer clubs, they should think that maybe the blame for poor results is not the players but the absence of football project.

Sorry, therefore, by Julian, whom in this dance does not touch dancing precisely with the prettiest, but quite the opposite. But, in any case, I wish you lots and lots of luck, because while it is between us we are sure that you will need. Enrique Arias Vega (Bilbao) is a journalist and Spanish Economist. Graduate of Stanford University, he takes writing almost forty years. His articles have appeared in most of the Spanish newspapers, Terzo Mondo Italian magazine and newspaper news of the world in New York. Among other positions, has been director of the newspaper in Barcelona, the advancement of Salamanca, and the edition of ABC in the Valencian Community, as well as director general of Grupo Zeta publications and Adviser to several media companies. In recent years, has alternated his collaborations in press, radio and television with the literature, having won several awards in both tasks, among them the national gastronomic journalism alvaro Cunqueiro (2004), the short novel Ategua (2005) and the social in the Valencian Community journalism, live (2006). His last published books have been a compilation of articles from the press, Spain and other importunities (2009), and other short story, nothing is what it seems (2008). Author, also, among other works, the novel (2006) Executive, which already they are published three editions, going against the tide (2007), Valencia, between heaven and hell (2008) and an anthology of biographies under the title characters of life (2007). External links: review on global network of writers in Spanish

Forums And Communities

Forums and communities, personal sites and portals whole esoteric specialists of all stripes calling them to believe, and provide services for divination, forecast, remove damage remotely. Phrase female site recently It has become fashionable to cover the resource dealing exclusively with questionable activities, such as divination by correspondence, the definition of sex of a child shot in arm, removal of damaged and diagnosis of aura zafiksirovanomu electronic image. Andi Potamkin follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. How can this be? Here there are several opinions. Opinion of the majority of literate, atheistic-minded people – "all this – a scam!" Not everyone, they say, can help remotely. And anyway, they say, All this – the lot of underdeveloped people. There is a view of people plunging into the unknown world – nothing can happen spontaneously, all governed by the universal order. If a person who applies on the Internet for help, actually felt better, there is reason to believe in some kind of immaterial impact on the nature of man, his information field.

Of course, if all the hidden knowledge and science to subsume under the framework of humanitarian sciences, the spirituality of Internet presents essentially the equivalent of the Brezhnev era joke: Is it true that under communism products can be ordered over the phone? True. Only they will be issued on the TV. When thinking in terms of accurate sciences, parapsychology – as an optional addition to psychiatry and psychology. The thing that working with subtle energies, according to well-known parapsychologists, psychics, adherents of various mystical teachings, can not done mechanically, it is not always possible to fix, as the video.

Teeth Myth

'All doctors, the same evil, and therefore must seek to cheaper'. It would be like to say that all athletes are equal, or that all the trains run on the same route. People in general are different, each person unique. The art of a doctor depends on many factors: the place where he received his education, how many years of experience has, as far as he is decent man, etc. For more information see Jack Fusco. The term 'specialist' does not carry the semantic load in phrases 'Cobbler – a specialist from Vienna,' or 'massage therapist – an expert on chocolate massage. Jill Schlesinger has many thoughts on the issue.

" 'Expert' – it is the same degree or title, as a doctor, engineer, architect or lawyer, for which you want to learn and get a degree Specialist. Professional excellence physician in all developed countries assessed, depending on whether it has a specialist degree. 'Expert' – is the highest clinical degree, accessible to physicians. The title of 'specialist' acquires a doctor who graduated after diploma courses ranging from 2 to 5 years, depending on the type of specialization from an accredited university. For example, according to the laws of Western countries to university had the right to issue professionals and have a faculty of the profession, he should have at least 3 professionals and one professor. This means that the primary staff for this department must come from abroad. In that case, if these high school requirements does not comply, he released impostors, and he is not. This is easily seen, asked in what countries adopted a medical degree of a country.

Normally prices of specialists is 2 times higher than that of physicians not experts, but also the quality of treatment and, accordingly, the result is much better. Need to choose a specialist doctor. If health savings, you can not live up to the next save opportunity.