Tag: electronics

AEPD Inaugurates

The past May 17, coinciding with the celebration of the day of the Internet, the Spanish Agency for data protection (AEPD) has launched the new platform of electronic site addressed to facilitate stakeholders whether individuals or juridical persons or authorities procedures before the Agency. This initiative comes to complete the telematic services already offered by the AEPD since 2006 with the possibility of the Internet of the note model presentation. Users with an electronic certificate will be able to request the protection of rights through this channel, complaints, check the status of their paperwork, send queries, complaints and suggestions as well as request a copy of the registration of files or consult the contents of the inscriptions. You need an electronic certificate that guarantees the identity of the signer as well as the content, confidentiality and receipt of notifications for full operability. Recently omega 3 sought to clarify these questions. In the case of not having the AEPD electronic certificate facilitates through of the Venue all documentation and forms that may be sent via the Internet but need to turn your signed physical presentation. For those requests or communications which are not included within the electronic site, AEPD boasts a telematic register which is accessible 24 hours a day throughout the year and through which may submit documents that relate to actions where to intervene the AEPD. Headquarters adds to its services the inclusion of links which may be of interest to users as the BOE, the common electronic register, the Brigade of technological investigation telematic crimes of the Civil Guard and the national police. Audea security of information, S.L. Department right TIC source:

Best One Practices

Many are the professionals who begin the year by far work and neglect a fundamental practice, the backups, he is recommendable to make a backup of all the work of year 2011, and to keep it in external support. To it, Sudespacho.net, company leader in software of management for lawyers and advisers, have had a copy tool backup online, that allows to program backups, it keeps and them in a data to center of maximum security, all the process of safeguard of the information is realised of encriptada way. Nowadays a lost one of data, can directly suppose the bankruptcy of a business, and not only by security, but by fulfillment of as demanding norm as it is the LOPD, to have backup external is a life-guard. Conscious of this necessity, Sudespacho.net has developed a Ad hoc tool for professionals, who allow them to do external backups encriptadas and at the same time she allows them to fulfill the norm of Protection of data. The advantages of the backup tool of Sudespacho.net are infinite, on the one hand it is a tool of backup online, and the data totally are encriptados and lodged in a safe servant, and on the other hand it is an automatic tool that automates all the backup process, allowing maximum security and reliability in the backup processes. Sudespacho.net is a company leader in management solutions for professional offices, being the first company that I send to sectorial solutions for offices of lawyers and consultant’s offices in the cloud in 2003..