Tag: economy

Accept Payment

I must or not accept payment in exchange? The exchange in the enterprise scope brings diversosbenefcios, however the entrepreneurs still ask if valley to the penalty or to noreceber the payment in exchange. The question that must serfeita is if its company prefers to pay in money the products or services to aserem acquired or to pay with its proper services or products. Well, aresposta is obvious. All want to pay in exchange. Having knowledge of this, because the companies not yet want to vender in exchange? In my opinion osbenefcios for who vende in exchange not yet is clear.

Amongst as much benefciosque the exchange brings for who vende the fact of being able to add a new customer and aomesmo time to pay for the product to be exchanged only the value of the vendaso cost the ones that if detach, however unhappyly passes unobserved pelosempresrios. The companies who accept apermuta as how much aosconcorrentes mode of payment have a competitive advantage. They remember that sales in exchange can generate other sales emdinheiro. To evaluate the exchange the seraceita, conditions, also determinative prices and prazosso for fecharo business. These subjects will be boarded in next post. Ecomece stops to spend money to exchange. Good businesses.

Jordi Arcarons

Today, the entire team 1forall, from engineers, mechanics, pilots, until team leaders, have been held a day of concentration before leaving for the South American continent. The main objective of this action lies in finalizing all kinds of details, including equipment and strategies different methodologies that are used for closer linkages between the various components of the computer. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Sonny Perdue. After a somewhat atypical offseason, the team enjoys a health of iron with lust for victory. And this is the environment that could be felt today in the wet lands of Avia, place of birth and residence of the pilot AMV Marc Coma. Before leaving for his new American challenge, the team has focused on House of the current winner of the Dakar Rally to prepare for the final assault. Far, awaits his precious goal.

One of the factors that can lead us to victory lies in know manage complicated situations and find a solution as soon as possible. If the team can demonstrate flexibility and drive at the same time, we are against a team with many assurances of success. These are precisely the objectives we are trying to get along these days of concentration. He says Team manager Jordi Arcarons. The team has done some severe pre-season trainings preparing to consciousness one of the hardest tests of motor on the planet, the Dakar 2010. Marc Coma and Jordi Viladoms must perform a 9,000 Km route during stages 14, surpassing the legendary desert of Atacama, in the North of Chile, to reach back to the Argentine capital on January 16.

161 participants await intended to complicate them travel but the determination and experience some of the best drivers in the world will play a very important role in the new battle ahead. With the intention of creating a fair competition, the organization created a new regulation that limits the power of the different cartridges. Even so, concentration, the pilot study and the experience of the pilots of the insurance motorcycle AMV Marc Coma and Jordi Viladoms will be determinants. South American deserts will witness the constant struggle of a tandem with lust for victory. Marc Coma pilot AMV (current winner of the 2009 Dakar Rally): we are ready. The time has come for the countdown. We have been preparing the rally throughout the year and now is the time to enjoy the moments before departure. I’m looking forward that this starts already. Gone are the different trainings carried out in Morocco, the endless sessions of physical endurance and methodologies to manage energy. Now the time to concentrate all our experience and focus to make them the best performance. I would like to thank to KTM, AMV, BREAM, CANON, RED BULL sponsors and all persons who have made possible the project’s viability that without their support, everything would have been much more difficult. Jordi Viladoms (pilot AMV): I am delighted to be able to cope with the new 2010 Dakar as a pilot of a structure as powerful as the one we have. I think that the basis for success lies in a consistent team and in the perfect communication with each of its members. Without a doubt, we start from a very solid base and face the test with many expectations. A honour is for me being part of such a project.

Promotional Forums

To achieve success, using forums, to promote its web site necessary, take into account some basic points before you enroll in a forum. There are three things you should invariably be: 1. enroll only in forums that are relevant, and that are related in some way to your niche market and especially with products that you promote from your web site. For example, if you promote any related product health and welfare, should look for forums where these issues are addressed. It would not find it illogical that you participate in forums related to motoring. 2. Choose popular forums.

I.e. Costco is full of insight into the issues. in those having many members and also many posts. Believe me, not worth wasting your time in forums that do not have these features. The Page Rank of the Forum and the amount of active members are two good ways to check this. 3. Choose forums that allow to place his signature.

Read the instructions (if possible), before register and pay special attention to this. Or perhaps, your time is not important?. My recommendation is to choose only two or three forums that comply with the requirements set forth above. As soon as you have selected forums, it is time to take action. Then I will describe you, which is what to do, step by step and do not skip any. 1. Create a short signature and place it in the signature label. The signature must contain a striking phrase related to your web site and the address of the home page of your site. 2 Never, I repeat never, create posts that are not nothing more than an advertisement. Those who make this type of posts, are newbies or worse still, the spammer. Observe this, because if you create a post with advertising intentions, it will be immediately deleted by moderators and this is reason enough, that they expelled from the Forum. 3. Work with overall intelligence, be an active member in the Forum. Spend at least an hour each day there and create familiarity with the users. Take the time to enter with questions or smart answers. If it becomes an active member of the Forum, quickly, you’ll reach a good reputation. And best of all, is that without having to perform any kind of promotion of your web site, without investing money, you will begin to receive qualified traffic, members or visitors of the Forum to your website, i.e. that will capture the attention of those who are interested in the same topics in which you are involved. These people will visit your web site, thanks to the link that is located within your firm.

Brazil Program

It does not remain no doubt that our country is very needing investments in infrastructure in such a way to provide better quality of life for the people how much to be able to make possible the sustentation of the growth of the Brazilian economy. To make this is imperative and needs that it has one strong interaction between the private sector and the public sector in the direction of if consolidating financier, administrative and technical half that lead all to the transformation of the structure in the domestic territory. Government and private companies must be joined for the accomplishment of workmanships of the most diverse types and that they posam to take Brazil to have a new profile in infrastructure terms. In as the government SQUID, a program was implanted that had as objective to change the face of Brazil being corrected deficiencies in existing structural terms in the most diverse sectors of our economy. The CAP (Plan of Acceleration of the Growth) was launched with all pomp, but its results until the moment had been on this side of what it expected and what the country needs. Diverse types of problems had led delays in the workmanships, between which it can be cited: ambient problems, carried through licitations of form not adjusted, lack of sizing of what to contract, etc. In the year of 2010 were launched the CAP 2 that it would be, in the truth, a continuity of the first CAP. This new program is well ambitious, intends to invest to R$ 955 billion in the years of 2011 up to 2014 in transports, generation of energy, housings, basic sanitation, urban mobility, hdricos resources (notadamente in areas of the half-barren northeastern) and Basic Units of Sade (UBS).

But, according to evaluation of the proper government, the conclusion of some great workmanships of this program will have to be stops after 2014. In accordance with the forecast, in the period of 2011-2014 will be concluded workmanships in the value of R$ 708 billion, corresponding 76% of the program. The others 26%, corresponding the R$ 247 billion, will only be executed after the stipulated deadline when of the launching of the CAP 2. Between the workmanships whose conclusion will be it stops after foreseen stated period is of the transport of the Plant of the Beautiful Mount and railroad of integration Center-West. To the ending of all the workmanships of the CAP 2, certainly Brazil will be in very better conditions of what it is currently. However, the deficiencies in structural terms are so great that not even a program of this magnitude can lead to a considered condition excellent, will go to improve significantly, but still they will remain very to be made.

Highways, railroads, ports, airports, housings, sanitation, centers of health, schools of quality, among others, are the great gargalos of the Brazilian economy. Official site: Jack Fusco. The challenge is very great, bigger of what the value traced for the government for the conclusion of as the CAP. The private initiative in this program is necessary to involve more that has that to be permanent. It has that always to exist a program of investments that objectifies to zero all the deficiencies of the Brazilian economy. It has that to have a pact for the systematic formation of physical and human capital and a solid structural base that support taxes of growth of the economy highest without it has the necessity to stop the economic pujana because of the inflation. We need to grow very to generate many jobs and chances for all the Brazilians.

Legal Peruvian

And as far as the legislation of banks it only is of application to banking companies, thus is clear that it deserves the corresponding studies, to increase to the field of application of the law to all the societies through a law all this within the Peruvian right. 14. POSTER the poster is an assumption of enterprise concentration, which has deserved really few studies in the Peruvian right. Thus we recommended its study on the part of the treaty writers, that are those that creates doctrine, so that it spreads on the part of the legal operators. The poster happens between companies, therefore, is not exclusive of the societies, nor of no other type of company, in such sense exists poster of societies, poster of individual companies of limited responsibility, poster of cooperatives, poster of communal companies, poster of industralists who exert the company like natural people, among others. The poster is not defined in the Peruvian legislation, therefore, is clear that its corresponding regulation deserves to have major legal security in the same, since is not recommendable in these cases of going to other sources or parts or elements of the right. In such sense we hoped in the future not very distant to count in the Peruvian state with a legislation on the enterprise posters or karteles, of such form that looks for major facility the economic agents to invest in a more and more competitive market as it is the Peruvian market. In the doctrine we found abundant definitions of poster, thus we were sent the same to have solids knowledge straight exceeds enterprise or right of the businesses or right of the company, in a market like in the Peruvian that exists little information on this branch of the right. What the poster looks for is to maintain the autonomy of the companies but to occupy the market, in such sense if for example a poster of companies is constituted that make soda waters is clear that they are possible to be occupied the market, with a view to its domination.

Municipalities Pay

One of the major problems in the current economic situation in Spain is the non-payment of the invoices by public institutions, mainly from councils and the autonomous communities. Not all have the same debt nor the same habit of not paying, but it is unfortunately common that payment has not received companies who have worked for a town hall for his work. Those who suffer non-payment of the invoices are usually small and medium-sized companies that suffer by failing to receive their part, up to the point of having that, on several occasions, take the closure. And more now that the banks have closed the tap of the financing. Put us in a situation. One SME anyone who has made an economic important effort to carry out a work contracted by a particular city. For performing this work solicited a loan with the intention of paying it when you received the amount quoted on the invoice. However time passes and the cabildo do not pay.

Not arise new jobs or those that do need investment. But the company is ahogada paying the loan or simply doesn’t have more money to invest until it receives the money owed him. If this situation extends likely finally SMEs may need to close. We have presented a very black picture but it is unfortunately quite common. While the politicians come out saying the important thing is to pay the invoices because it depends on maintaining good part of industrial fabric, in addition to the myriad of families who depend on these companies to live, despite that we say, late payment of public institutions is very worrying. And although we hope that the situation will eventually reverse, the change is happening painfully slow.

Saints System

An example is of the Shell, that already it declared to be studying to refine in Brazil the oil produced in the Basin De Campos (Bijupir-Salema, who produces since 2003, and BC-10, Park of the Shells, that started to produce in last June), what it would be extremely healthful for the country. But the fact is that the majority of the operators it will have to export the rude oil, resulted of its exploration. The used argument does not seem decisive to justify the exchange of the model, of that the concession system more is adjusted the areas with bigger risk while the allotment system more would be adjusted in areas of low risk as of the daily pay-salt. She is necessary to attempt against for the fact of that the risk of the daily pay-salt can thus not be so low, if to judge for the failure of some recent punctures. The risk seems to be lesser for the Petrobra’s, which had to the deep knowledge that developed, of the geology of the region. Petrobra’s perforateed today until, 37 wells in the daily pay-salt, and got 87% of success, being that in the Basin of Saints, the gotten success was of 100% (all the pierced wells had found oil or gas). Some operators had faced failures.

The folklore that already starts to be formed, affirms that Petrobra’s, due to the geologic knowledge of the region, had as certain the failure of some punctures of other operators. On the other hand, the management of the taken risk is a question water; the thickness of the salt layer. Nobody doubts that Petrobra’s goes to exceed all these difficulties, pero that wools hay, wools hay. Finally, the arguments that classify the producing countries in democratic, steady and advanced, that they would prefer concession systems, and autocratic, politically unstable and are risveis delayed contemplating the allotment, and with scarce reserves (importers) they adopt the system of concessions.