Tag: dance

The Article

A vibrant presence in us and around us always follows the question, why do we feed fantasies, allow external stimuli we caught, moving us away from our reality, avoiding that we seek it, freed from pollutions dogmatism of learning in our relations imposed by our environment. What are we doing to discover the true reality? Be considered, every morning we give continuity to a way to focus on the reality that is collective, that is the way that we all share and that defines our problems, our desire, our own image, we have a new opportunity to discover the reality, knowing that is ultimately land, consciousness, human companion, working, vocation, love, happiness, death, children. . Bridgette Matthews contains valuable tech resources. Carrutti recommends us not get involved in the case of time and we stay packed at inertia, because that time case is confirmed by beliefs, dogmas, ideas, we take for granted. We are of course everything that mankind believes, us alienamos, we act as a robot, zombies, without worrying about what the true reality; We are only repeating, resonating with those large moulds which already exist, neglecting our ability to create, renew, find our own authenticity. We must know our opportunity, to discover why we are, like grow as people in spiritual things, where are we going, what our true role in this human warp, keep us attentive this dimension in all signs and signals corresponding us original author and source of the article..