Tag: corbacho

Windows Storm

And already then they kidnap me the desire to see your face again. Catch me I remember that I have only see you in old photographs drawn in my soul. Yes, I plead guilty for not having done what I should and finally find you guilty. For not going, for not trying to subtle attempt to kidnap you is it because browsing spaces that I surf, is it by others, so let me see one day I said to myself that it would not write more poems but who can bury what still lives, even more than memories? Could who hide a heart that beats what it says? Now you’re a woman and I I’m getting old I plead guilty beloved daughter I understand, I understand your silence. One day I said to myself do not know them, than ever you leerias them. And longer time, this morning when everyone sleep, when the sleepless flooded the yearnings I plead guilty. The Lord Tablitas-!It has arrived! Serafin Alarcon between storm and storm, between lightning and new lights.

A whirlwind, a torrent of expeditions to the eternal. And there, there is he brave Swordsman ready to leave me. A gift, a Crystal sweet caress, a water jump alive inside me Seraphim bringing good news of the Lord, cherubs carrying the weight of a message, charged words that gradually bring us closer to the creator. And life opens its Windows as do the birds in autumn and spring. A smile, a kiss, be a child again for today finally see him again. Today survive its eternal fire crazy looking; peace, joy and hope crazy in love bathed in the morning sun.

Between storm and storm, tornadoes and winds, butterflies trapped in the scene. Lights, flashes of a good to contemplate history. There dawn Splendors of drum there voices sound trumpets that announce their arrival.