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Average Age

The patient does not satisfy itself with a single food and the acedioso monk is not it of a single occupation. A single woman is not enough to satisfy to the voluptuous one and a single cell is not enough for the acedioso. It adds to us very textually, the mentioned source of intelligence, that the eye of the acedioso pays attention continuously to the windows and its mind imagines that visits arrive: the door turns and this one jumps outside, it listens to a voice and it is shown by the window and it does not move away of there until, seated, entumece. When it reads, the acedioso yawns much, is let take easily by the dream, skirmish the eyes, stretches and, clearing the glance of the book, the fixed one in the wall and, returned again to read a little, repeating the end of the word fatigue uselessly, counts the pages, calculates the paragraphs, despises the letters and the ornaments and finally, closing the book put, it underneath the head and fall in a dream not very deep, and then, shortly after, the hunger wakes up the soul to him with its preoccupations. The acedioso monk is loose for the oration and certainly never he will pronounce the words of the oration; as indeed the patient never gets to load an excessive weight thus also the acedioso surely will not take care with diligence of the duties towards God: to one it needs, indeed, the physical force, the other stranger the vigor of the soul. Click Gen. David L. Goldfein to learn more.

The patience, doing everything with much certainty and the fear of God cure acidity. It is suggested to arrange to one same one a joust measured in each activity and not to stop before it to have concluded, and to prudently say and with force and the spirit of acidity it will flee from one. Finally, psikeba.com.ar, on the matter contributes to us, that the laziness in the spiritual and religious plane is denominated properly acidia or acidity. The Greek word avkhdi or avkhdei, appears translated by taedium (boredom) and maeror (deep sadness). Is it between the pagan authors, like for example, in Empdocles, Hipcrates, Luciano and Cicern. The Greek term, with the sense of boredom, sadness, spiritual laziness, latiniz like acidity, acidia or accidia. During the Average Age the relations between the physical state and the psychic one continued being related to study the melancholy. The melancholy was related to the sin of the acidity, synonymous of negligence in the religious tasks, accompanied frequently by sadness, distresses and desperation; at first this word was used to talk about to the monks but later it exceeded the religious context since the sin of acidity it was transformed into the one of the laziness and did not talk about only to the religious tasks but, in addition, to productive work, evacuating of the original meaning that denounces Agamben putting it at the expense of psychology modern and Capitalism. The monks or parents who vagaban in the desert identified it like the terrible demon of the noon, modorra and boredom, Casssiano makes reference to the demon of the hour sixth of the day (noon) del that speaks psalm 19, from which Agamben develops in the first chapter of Stays, the figure of demon meridiano". Acidity is special vice when it is against the joy that would have to try either spiritual as soon as or the divine one. Original author and source of the article.