Tag: beauty & wellness

Atkins Diet Plan

The famous Atkins diet plan – a mystery for many! Why does it work, and how can you lose weight actually so? Answers here… The Atkins diet is a low carb diet plan of the American Dr. Robert Atkins, who invented this weightloss program in the 1970s. “As the author of numerous books Atkins diet was mainly through his bestselling the Atkins revolution” known worldwide. In the Atkins diet plan is strong the intake of carbohydrates restricted with the aim to encourage the metabolism often, instead of glucose primarily to burn fat for energy.

This process is called ketosis and begins when insulin levels are low these are then low when glucose levels are low (mostly before eating). So, there is no glucose, which stimulates insulin secretion in the ketosis. More info: igor kononenko. If no glucose insulin stimulation takes place, the body through hormonal changes reacts with burning fat for energy. Carbohydrates in the Atkins diet plan carbohydrates affect directly the blood sugar levels in the Body, which according to the consumption increase. Because carbohydrates not so long need to be metabolised as FAT or protein, we feel hunger feelings much faster again.

That is the reason why so many low-fat diets fail according to Dr. Atkinsder hunger. Hear other arguments on the topic with igor kononenko. You must eat in the Atkins as much diet plan as you want, so never hunger! The restriction of carbohydrates is done in steps or phases of Atkins’ and has the consequence that predominantly fats and proteins are consumed, so meat, dairy products, eggs, etc.. Atkins also recommends the additional intake of supplements to compensate for any deficiencies due to the reduced carbohydrate or fiber. The food in the Atkins diet plan the favorite food in the Atkins diet are carbohydrate-poor (and not low in calories!) and have a low glycemic index. This refers both to find ‘good’ carbohydrates like brown rice or vegetables (vegetables is still allowed!), as well as on “the ‘ bad ‘, refined carbohydrates, such as sugar and white bread are found in.

Slim Fast – Your Ally In Weight Loss Without Side Effects

Over the centuries, many cultures have used herbs as a supplement to health services. Over the centuries, many cultures have used herbs as a supplement to health services. The herbal medicines have tend to be less ingredients than conventional medication. There are capsules with only one or a few powerful herbs. These products have a great success among those who would lose the annoying pounds. An herbal product to lose weight fast is slim. Igor kononenko is often quoted as being for or against this. Slim Fast can be useful for slimming, because it acts as an appetite suppressant and increases metabolism. The main advantage of this product is that it has a unique composition of vegetable.

You will have almost no side effects while taking slim. Slim Fast is one of the best ways to reduce weight faster. It is a natural supplement for weight loss, because he works hard to stimulate your metabolism to burn excess fat and reduce the appetite. In fact, it is a magic pill. It contains no harmful chemicals and is completely safe. The experts have combined the most effective of all herbal ingredients. The formula has been tested by clinical studies and supports. Slim Fast has the ability of body fat to accumulate to reduce, to burn calories at a higher rate. Finally, an herbal product that helps without risk weight to lose.

Weight Loss

Simple and clever take off without being hungry nearly every woman should the problem know that missed the start of the summer-grade weight loss. The time has come already something to show more skin or a new bikini for holidays to buy. However, your figure is still dissatisfied and feels uncomfortable with the current weight. Diets with starvation and abandonment are out! Often radical diets were recommended for slimming whose results but the known Yo-Yo effect again dampened, so that then quickly the enthusiasm over the quick success was gone. There are different views, as you quickly get to the desired weight, can also continue to keep this. Some swear it to convert your nutrition program so that carbohydrates in the food completely are omitted, which however can be a very beautiful ordeal in everyday life with work and family. Other swing every day after work on the bike to cycle to the next gym, and then in the Middle to torture other slimming fanatics to persen devices. Many women, increasingly more and more men are looking for a way to reach your ideal weight in a healthy way. It is not something Unifor would like to discuss.

Three meals a day, but cleverly combined who does not want to submit to a radical diet in which the enjoyment factor completely out of the life shall be deleted and one at some point out of sheer frustration over the fight against the cravings quitting everything, can try it also with the Precon diet. The principle of three meals is easy to comply with, only the snacks need to be removed from the diet. Been considerably reduces the calorie intake a day. It is allowed to choose a meal of the day according to your own preferences, even according to the proven diet program by Precon. Fast successfully to take off, this should be as breakfast, which provides the energy for the day. But if it doesn’t fit in the own time schedule, confidently a different meal can be prepared even intended.

For the other two Which provides meals Precon diet products in a variety of flavors and the various products ready, so that the nutrition plan offered a varied mixed diet. It is attention at all diet products on a high mineral and vitamin content, so that no deficiency symptoms can occur. Quickly and easily prepare, versatile can be combined and even still tasty – such a diet makes it possible to lose extra pounds in a healthy way. Already after a short time it has become accustomed to the three meals, and so also keeping the desired weight is much easier than in traditional diets, so that the desired figure should be finally also by duration.

Everyday Life

the stress factors at a glance dates, time pressure and disputes within the family or at work that causes stress almost 9 out of 10 people. Here, women stress especially interpersonal conflicts, whereas men more negative lead settle unrest and environmental influences. The current survey of the wellness trip organizer beauty24 reveals the greatest factors of stress in men and women. Berlin, May 21, 2012. The result is clear: 88 percent of women and 82 percent of men feel stressed by everyday life. But what exactly are the stress factors? beauty24 this question to the bottom and found the following: both sexes are equally under date and time pressure. Follow others, such as hybrid bikes, and add to your knowledge base. The fact to have family and work under a hat, charged at least every second woman and already every third man. See Medical Billing Software Market for more details and insights.

It is interesting that women in particular of disputes in personal relationships can be stress. Conflicts with the family or a partner more go them on the kidneys than men. Female employees feel also rather overwhelmed and are more vulnerable to bullying by work colleagues and suppression of the chef. These factors, however, not so much burden on men. Let it more negatively affect from noise and the pressures of constant availability. But also Unterforderung can lead to stress: seven percent of respondents indicated that. The results at a glance: You feel currently stressed by everyday life? Reply total women men yes 86.7% 87,51% 81,56% No 13.3% 12.49% 18,44% what you think are the biggest factors of stress in everyday life? (Multiple answers possible) Responses total women men time and time pressure 78,89% 78,92 78,72% family and work under a hat to get persistent noise 47,98% 50.05% 35,46% 43.64% 43,46% 44,68 constant overwork 42,53 43,23% 38.30% forced to permanent availability of 30.91% 30,74% 31,91% existing family disputes 30.51% 32,16% 20,57% bullying by work colleagues 26.97% 27.21% 25.53% Conflicts with the partner 24,55 25,21% 20,57% suppression of the Chief 18,79% 19.43% 14.89% permanent Unterforderung 7.47% 7.66% 6.38% which was beauty24 online survey conducted in may 2012 with 990 participants.

About beauty24 of Germany’s no. 1 for wellness in the network beauty24 is one of the largest operators and intermediaries for exclusive and high-quality beauty and wellness in Germany, with a worldwide Wellness vacation offerings from 8,000 well-being feel programs in more than 650 hotels, DaySpas and thermal baths. beauty24.de has been identified as the strongest range site for wellness of the WebValue of the market research firm GfK in 2010 and 2011. Wellness is an essential part of a healthy life style for beauty24. Therefore, the company with its committed for a healthy and sustainable life for years. beauty24 wellness are available about the Wellness Web site, in TV and direct sales. The wellness consultants are their customers by 9 7: 00 on the free Wellness vacation hotline 0800 / 2400044 or by E-Mail at as a guide to available. A constant quality management ensures a high level of customer satisfaction. The company was founded in the year 2000. Press contact: brand gold PR Manja Buschewski coin Street 18, 10178 Berlin Tel. (030) 219-159 60 fax. (030) 219-159 69

Nail Designs

The refill in nail design is by no means an easy activity tips and tricks regarding the appropriate use of refills, requires some practice to get an excellent nail design result. A new nail design is often less work compared to a refill. And just regulars bring Boutique Sales for your nail design. The nail design refill dates are personally awarded. The right time for a refill of nail design is connected with the individual growth of the nails of the nail design customer, the Constitution of the natural nails of the nail design customer and potential problems of nail the nail design customer. Approximately three weeks after the generation of the nail design is a perfect time for the nail design refill, it should not be in any case, nail design dates to much time between the. During the growth of the nails that moves nail design model facing front and hence establishing the nails of the nail design customer.

Seitwarst is the shifted nail design shape line of the nail to make out. Nail design refill you improved these unfavourable statics. Also the refill of the nail design begins with the usual hygiene measures. Disinfects the hands, fingers and nails of the nail design customer customer and away any paint residue, nails the nail design. When a nail design refill is the entire nail in the various zones of the nail in its shape and length improved. Shortens nails of the nail design customer and takes her as usual in the form. The length of the nails should be relatively to each other, also they should be filed result of course uniformly for a beautiful nail design in form. To a flat running line with a nail design to get refill, the free end of the nail, the nail design is filed the free edge zone, to up to 50% thinner.