Tag: trade

German Association

Through the modernization as a result of the “EnEV” and the increased use of renewable energies such as photovoltaic systems, biomass heating and combined CO2 emissions at the Saxon housing cooperatives reduced 2009 to 25 percent. For all households, a reduction of CO2 emissions by 12 percent can be reached under the current allocation plan to the objective of the German Kyoto from 1990 to 2012. With a reduction of 25 percent meet the housing cooperatives in Saxony the Kyoto target by double”brings together Dr. Viehweger. The Saxon housing cooperatives are reliable partners of the local authorities. The federal countries program Stadtumbau OST”was successfully launched in Saxony. The housing stock by sponsored demolition actions to 80,000 apartments has decreased since 2000. However, can fool the reached about one not across.

The empty stand issue is still current. James David brings even more insight to the discussion. This year, we expect a second Empty stand wave”, as Dr. Viehweger. Budget start-ups go back due to geburtenschwachen born in the period. Moreover a declining housing demand by a significant excess of mortality and the still ongoing migration. Therefore, the urban redevelopment will remain the central challenge of urban development in the new Lander after 2010. First we need a continuation of programme urban redevelopment East by 2016, to decommissioning, to be able to continue including decommissioning of part of and the appreciation”, so the Board of Directors of the VSWG. The difficulty, however, is that in the first phase of urban restructuring primarily already vacant or to grow relatively quickly empty housing stock in the foreground stood.

Now it moves but continuously in the direction of partially restored or loaded with new debt stocks. Therefore an accompanying old debts this year for the success of the urban restructuring is imperative”asks Dr. Viehweger. Without this discharge of old debt is not Be housing associations able to participate as usual so intensively on the urban redevelopment. More focuses on the enforcement of affordable climate protection as well as the research and development of a with aging apartment in the framework of a project for the Federal Ministry of education and research in the year 2010, to set on the ageing population. The VSWG is the largest German Association for housing cooperatives. 236 housing cooperatives are organized in him. You manage 287.500 apartments and that 13 per cent of the total housing stock in the free State of Saxony. In case of enquiries, please contact: Association Saxon apartment genossenschaften e. V.

Directors ETIM

The importance of today’s lifting, said Bonn, the four letters of ETIM”stands for every” time in mind. Annual membership meeting at the annual Member meeting, joined in the celebrations, the Association members present confirmed the entire Board of Directors. Because only a member meeting per year is held, his term extends until June 2012. In his report to society 2009 old and new 1 Chairman, Franz Ernst, stressed that the harmonisation and cooperation efforts have well developed with eCL@ss, continuously increasing the number of members in Germany and international ETIM work is progressing successfully. With own organizations in the Switzerland and Poland the number of national associations or societies 2009 ascents on eight. Is to further increase the membership growth and also the awareness of ETIM, in 2010 Germany expanded the marketing and public relations. To broaden your perception, visit James Cleith Phillips.

About ETIM e.V. Founded in November 1999, the ETIM Germany e. V. is the central organization today, when it comes to the issues and dissemination of ETIM, the classification model of the electrical sector. Basic principle of ETIM (abbreviated for electronical information model) is to give each product of a certain class of product traded in the electrical sector. Within each of these product categories, different, verifiable properties such as material or power consumption are associated with the goods.

All important technical data are thus standardized by ETIM, so that its acquisition and use in trade absolutely works. ETIM is the guiding principle for the exchange of product and catalog data between the electronics and the electrical wholesale. And not only in Germany, but now in many other European countries. ETIM improves data exchange and communication between industry and trade. ETIM is today a significant relief and Cost reduction.

Data Product

Board for a further two years confirmed at a Jubilee General Assembly has ETIM e.V. Swarmed by offers, Expedia is currently assessing future choices. Early December celebrated its tenth anniversary. Around 50 VereinsmitgIieder from wholesale trade, industrial and service sectors came to the German electrical and electronics industry (ZVEI 🙂 to Frankfurt and looked together on a success story.) Not only that today virtually the entire electronic product data exchange between manufacturers and retailers in Germany on ETIM is based, with a simultaneous use in eight countries the classification model is also a model of European cooperation. Led is the ETIM e.V. has more than 80 members, that resulted in the subsequent annual membership meeting, also in the next two years by the current Board of Directors.

Dr. Horst Beckers, Managing Director of the Federal Association of the switchgear (VEG) e.V. in retirement, as well as long-time Treasurer of the ETIM e.V., stated in his review first, as ETIM has evolved from the mid of 1990s until today. He reported that this goes back to the basic ideas of the Dutch Association of craftsmen UNETO. Starting from his experience\”, so Dr. Beckers, but above all due to the constantly growing number of product data – between 1995 and 2002 alone grew these from 90,000 to 500,000 – also the German electrical launched its own classification system.\” As he pointed out, an initiative borne purely by trading page was his introduction, the Foundation of the Association and start funding it.

The initial work of the Association in his greeting Andreas BETTERMANN, er, Deputy Chairman of the specialist installation equipment and systems in the ZVEI compared with the work of Sisyphus, today show up but lasting success down the line. Christoph Bonn, Member of the Board of the Federal Association of the switchgear (VEG) e.V. and President of EUEW, stressed that the uniform product data structure generated about ETIM reduce expenses and costs for the entire three-stage trade and manufacturers with ETIM the competitive factor Data quality\”could exploit. The feared and announced tightening of competition due to classified product data remained so completely.

United States

The thing in the United States should look different. Here are annual growth rates of 46 Percent expected. The growth opportunities for German renewable energy according to the will of Google, 2030 cover all power needs in the United States. Bold plans may be, perhaps too bold, but Google can follow actions. The company invested $ 700 million alone 2011 already in green energy. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from medical billing. $ 280 million serve in support of SolarCity.

The company bills itself as the leading in the United States full service company provides private homeowners, businesses, and government organizations with solar systems. But in the US market is not only a place for U.S. investors. The German company Siemens has secured recently, for example, a 16-percent stake at Semprius US solar company. Other German investors decide Meanwhile just between New Jersey and St. Petersburg, Florida as the site of a large solar plant. It is expected to produce electricity for resale. For the plant, an area of about 303.510 m is expected to be m up to over one million square feet (75-250 acres) are used.

Investors expect that caused by the plant 100 jobs in the United States. The U.S. solar market has room for small as great entrepreneur many a German in the United States so far inaktiver entrepreneur from the solar industry should even think, whether a U.S. subsidiary for him could make sense”, says Max Karagoz company ALTON LLC ALTON LLC has successfully worked for several years as a supporter of German entrepreneurs in the United States. The bandwidth of the entrepreneurs supported by ALTON ranges from software experts on helicopter service provider to the International Auto trade. The company’s founder ALTON helps to establish a limited liability company (LLC) or a corporation in the United States. The company acquires all formalities and offers for this purpose after matching homes or help in the search for qualified employees accompanying services such as search. Max Karagoz sees certainly also opportunities for German emigrants from the in the US solar market Crafts, specializing in photovoltaic installations. Also for such entrepreneurs the United States could become what so many like to associate with them: a country of (almost) unlimited possibilities!

Federal Environment Minister

A few days ago, ThomasLloyd directed a Congress, the approximately 700 participants from industry, politics and press long will remain in the memory. We have concentrated on a day, rarely, heard so many industry specialists and suddenly get so many bundled information”, a participant said. ThomasLloyd global investment banking and investment management company with a central focus on the areas of Cleantech and sustainability has therefore become reputation meet, to make clear the chances of socially responsible investment. Initially, the first speaker of the day, the head of the IFO Institute, Prof. Dr. Dr. Hans-Werner Sinn, and Federal Environment Minister (ret’d), Prof. Dr.

analyzed Dr. Carrier wanted to know more. mult. Klaus Topfer, controversial as Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme, which would be way just for the Federal Republic of Germany the right to implement the energy revolution. Especially the economic perspective made sense this clearly, that energy is already an international issue at the China and India a greater role play as, for example, Europe. “Meaning literally in the light of 51 nuclear power plants planned in China: while we have prematurely declared the phase-out of nuclear energy, plan and build almost all countries of this world new reactors and get us as a competitive advantage.” The knowledge was common two, that you find a way out of the conventional energy supply should the current primary energy sources are coal, gas, oil and uranium limited to available. So the energy policy spokesman of the FDP, Rene Rock as well as t.u. Michael Sieg as Chairman and CEO of ThomasLloyd and Klaus Peter cherry as head of investment management took part, resulted because even in the discussion, in addition to the professors of sense and pottery also different approaches was also clear: on a new alignment to internationally not comingthat you want to create even remotely acceptable living conditions for the people of this planet or get. At least 1.4 billion have so far People around the world not and about a billion only temporary access to electricity.

The access to electricity is synonymous with economic growth and thus increase the quality of life. What are the chances have infrastructure investments especially in the area of renewable energies, pointed out of investment banking head following Anthony Coveney, of ThomasLloyd. The possible investment vehicles”in relation to the target group of investors then analyzed Philip Rusch as Director investment banking in America. Thus he established at the same time, why ThomasLloyd retail has opted for a solution of the bond as well as a fund solution. Matthias Altieri, head of solar energy, made the selection processes of ThomasLloyd clear that precede an investment and a renewable energy system to make a kalkulier – and predictable investment at specific project examples. These investment opportunities presented founder and CEO T.U.. Michael Sieg ThomasLloyd following and made it clear that ThomasLloyd admits the chance for the first time private investors from the know-how institutional investors to benefit.