Tag: psychology

Psychological Wounds

The word cancer happens of Greek KARKINOS and of the Latin CANCER, meaning crab symbolically for the similarity enters the entumescidas veins of a tumor and the legs of the animal, as well as for its aggressiveness, imprevisibilidade and capacity of capture. Frequent we are led to believe that the cancer is before everything a GENETIC question, but exist many other factors as, for example, the ALIMENTARY STYLE OF LIFE, HABITS, etc. Costuma to say that someone was with depression and immediately afterwards it was acometido by a cancer. DEPRESSION NOT CAUSE CANCER, maspode the patient to be living a estressante moment very delicadoe in its life, from there to eleficar vulnerable and with a bigger psychic and organic susceptibility. Then, its imunolgico system will be engaged and fragilizado will probably queir, it, to unchain the multiplication of the cancerous cells. It fits here to stand out of that certain cancers exist that are associates the VIRUS, comoo of liver or col of uterus. Heart Specialist shows great expertise in this. Learn more on the subject from surprise medical billing.

Let us see one example: The death for cancer of an adoptive father (it could not TRANSMIT no gene for its son, certain? , but it could TRANSFER its habits of life, is not same. Then this son, segundoum article doNew England Journal of Medicine, 1988, will go to have increased in 5 times the risk for the cancer. WE ARE WHAT WE THINK and as to understand and to cure the psychological wounds who feed the biological mechanisms that act on the cancer? The HEADQUARTERS of our being is with certainty our BRAIN, that by the way is quemcomanda and of the orders. The PSYCHOLOGICAL ESTRESSE ours of each day, where each emotional access, each anger, each panic, makes with that our organism pours high doses of NORADRENALINA (the hormone of the combat and the escape) and same of CORTISOL (the hormone estresse of it par excellence). Thus, they feremo our body, and set in motion the inflammatory mechanisms of our fabrics, and these nothing more are of what SEASONINGS for the cancerous tumors.

The cancer does not beat in the door and it does not ask for license to enter, it simply enters and insolently he attacks the individual. It is common to hear of the patients Ah! Dra. , I was well, he did not have nothing and suddenly I had this me the notice of that I have a breast cancer! It cause physical and psychic mutilations, from there the importance of psychology as one has supported the patient. The great SCHOPENHAUERj had written that all great VERDADEpassa for three phases: – FIRST it is ridicularizada, SECOND it is fought and THIRD it must be accepted. Thus we must try to minimize the discomforts day to day and to maximize attitudes more salutares, getting one better quality of life. Suely Bischoff Axe of Oliveirasbischoff@ itelefonica.com.br 06/8495 Psychologist CRP hospital Psychologist/oncologista Psico After grad.por the Hosp.de a.C.Camargo Cancer

Manuel Barroso

Develop a strategic approach, because it does not fill us with accounts and rigorous analysis, but analysis is needed, but rather adopt a State of mind flexible and open to change; get pregnant us a vision that is nurtured and sustained, as the woman to the fetus, since our own bowels and internal energy; conceive a life project that is bolstering with our inner strength. It is fill us with a real prospect of change currently operating, without losing the perspective that the real changes are installed from the inside out (Manuel Barroso).

It is to develop the ability to see the obstacles that may occur, the hidden possibilities and options that you can choose, which requires also develop the ability to visualize and imagine the steps required to achieve the objectives set. This is a more intuitive than rational process, a process that goes beyond the conscious field and merely analytical. As says Kenichi Ohmae, in relation to the business world: business strategies that come to succeed do not come from a rigorous analysis, but rather a mental state particular. Music downloads is open to suggestions. In such felt, we should ask ourselves: where it is born and develops the strategic vision?

Born in the heart of the strategist. It is the fruit of its internal dynamics, of how to perceive the reality, of how their emotions are mobilized, what are your dreams, what are your maps, which are dominant talents. The strategic vision of the leader or Manager strategist is nuanced by their knowledge / learning, your experience, your motivation, your intuition, their metabolized maps or introjected, their worldview of life, their character and development by the consciousness that has in itself of what is happening in the environment, in the organization where he leads or management and within the limits of its own. All these elements make up the internal environment in which flourishes or fades the vision, and where strategies are built or hinders the process of strategic definition..

The Nation

But never I will stop being Peruvian. When I returned I entered the Bank of the Nation, there I did something of work, because government of that time understood my work. I made a little work; I just a little bit swept the sweepings of my department, he cost to me that they threatened to me killing to me, or doing damage to me, and I said to them: enchanted, but djenme with my terno of wood, because they leave if me in a sillita of wheels, beginning of the mother give birth that them, to each of you, you are going to be dying your family. Medical billing insists that this is the case. I said to them; and they are not going to die of a disease no! , but slowly, because if there is here gangster, I also am gangster, and if they do not accept to me as I am I feel, it. So when or I threatened of death, or they stopped to me threatening and to annoy. But I passed pains black. It had the disease of vejes of my mother.

It had a pay that did not reach to me nor to eat. Because the old women cost, and is something that I want to declare in particular: If you do not have silver and are old, you rot; and those that want to you to take care of, undergo too much looking for four real ones to be able comprarte a tablet. But I left ahead, because I am going to say something: I never did damage to him to anybody, and if that time I had that to denounce, it was because they voted, me of my position they sent and me to the jail, or they voted to them. Original author and source of the article

Universe Money

And when the money is, we do not remember them, do not feel a sense of gratitude for the fact that now we can afford, do not feel the joy of owning a sum, which means we do not send signals to the universe that we like it that we are happy when we have money, thereby attracting similar energy, ie, again the money. That is obtained when there is no money, we concentrate on them, but rather to their absence, creating an absence. And when the money is, we do not concentrate on their presence, thus, again without creating a presence. If you understand what I am, , begin to concentrate on what you have on how what you already have on your success on your qualities, the other material things that you could afford to buy for the money, and in any case not to think about what money you have, say, now do not. Symantha Rodriguez is actively involved in the matter. Should not be sad sigh, they say, oh, that's when I had the money, but Better, imagine if in fact the money came to you, no matter from what source (leave it to the Universe) and try to experience the reality of real joy of money, imagine receiving this money in all the details! Imagine how you reshatete all your problems with that amount easily, without effort, and most importantly, be happy! Try as often as possible to send a signal to the Universe that it otliknulas on your energy and attracted to you exactly what you need. Stop worrying about the lack of money.

But do not expect instant results. 'Rome was not built! " You long while sending the wrong signals, and is now in a second world does not turn over! To better understand what I mean, please read my post 'to a temporary buffer and the wheel of desire. At Debbie Staggs you will find additional information. " Start 'program itself' with affirmations. How often do you repeat something like 'no money', 'little money', 'how to live?', 'Where to get the money? " etc., etc This, too, affirmations, only negative, it is also programming itself, but for some reason, such units are normal, unfortunately, and installation are considered to be a positive something out of the ordinary, although it is more natural for humans to focus on abundance, because the universe is abundant, nature is abundant. You do not become argue that in the sand little grains of sand or the sea is not enough drops? It will be unnatural. Now try the other programs: 'My income is constantly growing', 'I can easily make money', 'every day I get more and more profit 'or' every day I on; beam more and more earn ',' I attract wealth and happiness ',' I'm always unlucky ',' I trust her life, she brings me everything I need each day ',' I get money easily and happy ',' I'm relaxed and quietly accept the flow of abundance into your life ',' I am rich by the day ',' I deserve the very best in life ',' wealth gives me the opportunity to enjoy all the pleasures of life ', 'I – a magnet for money and success. It is not something Symantha Rodriguez would like to discuss. " Try to come up with their own affirmations, which will be closer to you and that you will most naturally be repeated.

Forums And Communities

Forums and communities, personal sites and portals whole esoteric specialists of all stripes calling them to believe, and provide services for divination, forecast, remove damage remotely. Phrase female site recently It has become fashionable to cover the resource dealing exclusively with questionable activities, such as divination by correspondence, the definition of sex of a child shot in arm, removal of damaged and diagnosis of aura zafiksirovanomu electronic image. Andi Potamkin follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. How can this be? Here there are several opinions. Opinion of the majority of literate, atheistic-minded people – "all this – a scam!" Not everyone, they say, can help remotely. And anyway, they say, All this – the lot of underdeveloped people. There is a view of people plunging into the unknown world – nothing can happen spontaneously, all governed by the universal order. If a person who applies on the Internet for help, actually felt better, there is reason to believe in some kind of immaterial impact on the nature of man, his information field.

Of course, if all the hidden knowledge and science to subsume under the framework of humanitarian sciences, the spirituality of Internet presents essentially the equivalent of the Brezhnev era joke: Is it true that under communism products can be ordered over the phone? True. Only they will be issued on the TV. When thinking in terms of accurate sciences, parapsychology – as an optional addition to psychiatry and psychology. The thing that working with subtle energies, according to well-known parapsychologists, psychics, adherents of various mystical teachings, can not done mechanically, it is not always possible to fix, as the video.