Tag: manifesto


We must make a small parenthesis in terms of payment deadlines for comment on what this law establishes how to process such payments. Others who may share this opinion include Andi Potamkin. Since it obliges suppliers to send the invoice or request the corresponding payment to its customers in a period not exceeding 30 days since you received the merchandise or service was provided. Another novelty will be the receipt of the aforementioned invoice may occur by electronic means provided to ensure the identity and authenticity of the signer, the integrity of the invoice and receipt by the debtor. It will also be possible to group invoices over a period of 15 days and is to be taken as a computation of the term of payment of half of the period of the invoice date overview or the periodic grouping of invoices. Now enter one of the reforms most important that introduces this law, because it directly affects the contractual relationships that may arise with the Sector Public. Within a few years the public administrations, they will be forced to pay to 30 days, which would reduce by half the period that had until now. On the assumption that the Administration does not pay, stakeholders may be claimed in writing compliance with this obligation and in turn, interest on arrears applicable. If the Administration does not reply within a month the expiration of the period for payment shall be by recognized and are may lodge a contentious-administrative appeal against such administrative inactivity, requesting the adoption of the measure precautionary payment of debt.

Unless the Administration certifies that payment is not justified or that the amount is not due, the competent body shall take the measure precautionary mentioned or if necessary adapt it to the actual amount of the debt. At the same time management can be sentenced on coasts if he is deemed fully claim to the collection.