Tag: madrid

The Article

A vibrant presence in us and around us always follows the question, why do we feed fantasies, allow external stimuli we caught, moving us away from our reality, avoiding that we seek it, freed from pollutions dogmatism of learning in our relations imposed by our environment. What are we doing to discover the true reality? Be considered, every morning we give continuity to a way to focus on the reality that is collective, that is the way that we all share and that defines our problems, our desire, our own image, we have a new opportunity to discover the reality, knowing that is ultimately land, consciousness, human companion, working, vocation, love, happiness, death, children. . Bridgette Matthews contains valuable tech resources. Carrutti recommends us not get involved in the case of time and we stay packed at inertia, because that time case is confirmed by beliefs, dogmas, ideas, we take for granted. We are of course everything that mankind believes, us alienamos, we act as a robot, zombies, without worrying about what the true reality; We are only repeating, resonating with those large moulds which already exist, neglecting our ability to create, renew, find our own authenticity. We must know our opportunity, to discover why we are, like grow as people in spiritual things, where are we going, what our true role in this human warp, keep us attentive this dimension in all signs and signals corresponding us original author and source of the article..

World Economic Forum

In the same vein, affected the urgent need to modernise road, port, railway and airport, infrastructure due to the lack of attention given to professions such as engineering. Costco contains valuable tech resources. The backlog is reflected in the competitiveness report 2010-2011 of the World Economic Forum, which places Colombia ranked 79 of 139 countries in the index of overall quality of infrastructure, with a score of 3.59 on 7. Chile, for example, sits in place 40 with 4.69 points. In this regard, Carlos Alberto Acero, director of the network trunk sewer of the Empresa de Acueducto de Bogota, indicates that flaws in many engineers who come to the world of work have been identified. An example is given in the civil area, since some newly graduates don’t even know basic construction topics, such as foundations that requires a building. He added that areas basic such as soils, geotechnical or geological sciences are not compulsory and elective subjects in many universities. Consequently, the neglect of fundamental issues for the development of the country’s infrastructure such as motorways or tunnels. Higher growth with fewer resources? Another doubt that generates the proposal relates to the ambitious goals that arises as the MEN cope with the growth of higher education.

According to estimates by the Minister of education, Maria Fernanda Campo, the goal is to achieve 38% growth in the sector. However, in discussion with the guiding sessions, explained that she is earmarked 2.4 billion additional pesos for public and private universities. This constitutes an increase of 16% in the next four years with respect to the 15.2 billion pesos that are currently destined for higher education. Before these inaccurate calculations, rector Wasserman asked: how is it possible to grow 38% with only 16% of additional resources? In addition, how you will grow in quality?. Taken from: Cesar Enrique Herrera of the sickle original author and source of the article

Prime Minister

Life should be a search. Not a desire, but a search; not an ambition of becoming this or the other, the President of a country or a Prime Minister, but a search to discover: who am I? Life should be a continuous celebration, a festival of lights throughout the year. Only then you can grow, you can flourish. It transforms the small things in celebration. Life is not a prison, is not a punishment.

It is a reward and it is given only to those who have earned it, to those who deserve it. Now have the right to enjoy. It would be a sin if we do not go against the existence if we do not embellish it, if we simply leave it as we find it. No, leave it a little happier, more beautiful, more fragrant. Indeed, we must seize the changes that occur, the steady continuity of them, signs, signals, teachings that involves, we don’t waste our time, awaken and act within this continuity that allows us to grow, increasing our level of growth and learning, know cultivate our actions so that the spirit is enriched of the changes. He says Osho Furthermore, that life because it is bubbling within us.

Only we can contact her there. The temple is not abroad; one is his sanctuary. That is why the first thing you have to remember, if we want to know what is life, is: never seek it on the outside, never try to discover it in someone. The meaning It cannot be transferred in this way. The greatest masters have never said anything about life, always you us returned to oneself. The second thing we must remember is: once we know what is life, know what is death. Death is part of the same process. In general we believe that death comes at the end, we usually believe that death is opposed to life, we usually believe that death is the enemy, but death is not the enemy. And if we see death as the enemy this simply demonstrates that we have not been able to know what is life. Death and life are two polarities of the same energy, the same phenomenon, the flux and reflux, day and night, summer and winter. They are not separated and they are not opposites or contrary. They are complementary. Ultimately the visa is a generating continuity of changes, we cannot neglect and take advantage of them.