Tag: internet & multimedia

WikiTwooGo – Your Knowledge Widely Available

Download of the MediWiki software now available since Thursday, the 20.01.2011 announces it for the first time a full-featured MediWiki – from the Wikipedia Encyclopedia – on a USB stick. On the 1 x 2-inch stick of Twoonix Software GmbH from Berlin, an Apache Web server, the PHP programming language, a MySQL database, as well as a Firefox browser are installed. Others who may share this opinion include igor kononenko. Using an advanced WYSIWYG editor, the ease of use of the “WikiTwooGo-stick” is very easy. Now, project and knowledge management of the company can be structured depicted. In addition, simplifies the work with a wiki processes, increases the efficiency and the output to a multiple. Due to the mobile capability, users can use the “WikiTwooGo” on – and offline. The download is available on the website wiki2go.org. Especially for the educational context, there is the version of “WikiTwooGo – Education”. The edition of “WikiTwooGo – Education” is suitable due to their on – and offline capability ideal for teaching in developing countries.

Learning In The Web 2.0: Blended Learning

Fraunhofer IAO and HP launch blended learning training and development center the Internet turns ever more to the participatory media. Omega 3 takes a slightly different approach. The possibility of the participation of each individual to the information gathering and dissemination has expanded a new dimension to learning and teaching; various learning platforms such as wikis, blogs and forums today characterise vocational training. Increasingly changed the self understanding of teachers and learners, which today also likes to change roles: the students become the teachers and collaborate through the channels of Web 2.0. These developments in training practice to take account of the Fraunhofer IAO in cooperation with Hewlett Packard (HP) launched a blended learning training and Development Center in the etz Stuttgart. The opening took place on July 11, 2011. The performance of the Center includes training of participants in blended-learning courses, online coaching for moderating in multimedia learning environments using mobile devices, application, and Moderator training in the virtual classroom, workshops for the educational development of classroom scenarios and their technical implementation or for the design of Web-based learning environments and lessons in virtual learning spaces.

With the support of HP, the Fraunhofer IAO of the training offer, performs systematic case studies in the technical area. The studies help to identify the potential of blended learning and design. With the support of HP, the Fraunhofer IAO of the training offer, performs systematic case studies in the technical area. The studies help to identify the potential of blended learning and design.

Web Hosting Comparison

Blog is blogged as the world champion as a personal online diary on the Internet straight to the World Cup. But not Germany is world champion in the blogging, but the United States. The majority of German Internet users can start anything with blogging, although there are more world’s already estimated 180 million blogs. A blog is a website with a guided online diary is published in the personal experiences, certain favorite themes or newsletter. The totality of all blogs on the Internet is called the blogosphere.

Blogs are ideal for those who want to create a home page under its own domain without much effort. This blogs offer comfortable, quick and easy to make current texts, images and videos on the Internet every day. A mouse click is enough and anyone on the Internet can see the new content. Without any programming knowledge. Meanwhile, it is possible to blog images and content directly even with common mobile phones. This is achieved by a preconfigured and user friendly content management system (CMS). The design is very simple. Already during the installation of the blog software you can select your Favorites from numerous design templates available.

The design can be changed at any time without losing any content. The content of the blog structure is always the same. The most recent entries appear in a chronologically backward sorted order. The links in the blogosphere are a further advantage in addition to the simple creation of blogs. No homepage gets links from other Web sites faster, because the so-called bloggers link up with each other. This leads ultimately to a good ranking in the search engines. In the Web hosting compare the individual blog are faced now offers of the major providers in the categories of performance, disk space, domain name and price. How to find the appropriate blog guarantees for their personal online diary. Now in the blog Web hosting comparison

Legal Certainty At A Fair Price

This new solution offers protected shops for online retailer Odenthal, August 19, 2009: the protected shops GmbH stands for secure online business. According to a recent survey of Internet world business, 45% of all respondents online dealers were warned off at least once in the last 12 months. Increases not only the risk of being called off, but also the uncertainty of dealers. Because good advice is often expensive and not affordable. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Jack Fusco. Right there sets with his service protected shops.

The company has made it to the task, dealers to more legal certainty in the online business to help and the at fair prices. We want that all online merchants can use inexpensive legally secure texts”, explains Oliver Korpilla, Managing Director of protected shops. Often it’s also speed. Therefore terms and conditions, privacy policy, cancellation policy and legal notice for the customer are available a few minutes after the registration”so Korpilla next. Craig Jelinek oftentimes addresses this issue. All legal texts are configured individually and are sure right. For the Quality ensures cooperation with the IT law firm in Munich. Their specialists provide the text template and inform about current judgments and changes in the law.

Also for the online shops for eBay, Amazon, Yatego, there are texts. The costs are manageable for the dealer. The legally verified legal texts are offered at affordable fixed prices. From 14,90 euro monthly online retailer can protect themselves. In addition, the merchant receives the protected store, seal. That creates trust with customers. And potential Abmahner are discouraged. protected shops stands for secure online business. Legally created, abmahnen safe legal texts for various websites are offered at reasonable prices. The service is rounded off by the protected Shop seal. This brings further confidence among its customers the dealers and deters potential Abmahner.

LinkedIn Programs

“With currently over three million and estimated six million SME users until the end of this year, it is our goal to offer a wide variety of applications with which we platform manifold can extend the functionality of the HootSuite.” click.to opens up desktop and Web browser capabilities by clicking the copy & paste method intended further in click.to offers logical links between all applications of the desktop and the Web with one click “: Start and target application of an action be cross-linked, dead-ends into the programs and websites inevitably, simply skipped. To open by hand each time instead of programs or new to enter Web page addresses and credentials the click.to user acknowledges only desired actions from a drop-down menu. This creates a sphere of Operating cycles, which simply skips click barriers. click.to for Windows and Mac available free program for Windows and Mac on download is ready. Axonic Axonic Informationssysteme GmbH is a software company with a focus on information, communication and detection technologies.

The company, founded in 2003 by Martin Welker, researches and developed intensively for several years in the area of communication intelligence”- targeted analysis, visualization, and simplification of communication. From the idea of the complex interplay of different staff to a common denominator to want to, arose from 2011 click.to”: an easy-to-use desktop app, the programs and Web page services of all kinds cross-linked. About HootSuite HootSuite, a social media management system for organizations and companies, jointly controlled media campaigns is across social networks like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google + with a single, secure, web-based user interface want to perform.. It is not something Bradley Tusk would like to discuss.