Tag: gnulinux

Shape Number

By: Diana Fontanez there are many ways to attract customers and grow your business through the Internet. The problem is in the system, many use one that invested more time, more money and more energy when in reality there are only safely achieve it in less time: the marketing funnel. But what is the marketing funnel? View your business as a funnel. The upper part is wider and your sole objective is to attract the maximum number of people to that entry. And how you manage it? Using a free bait a bait free is any strategy that encourages the reader or visitor to give you their email in exchange for something free. For example, my bait are my free articles published elsewhere and on my blog. I give them free strategies and they are tempted to sign up for my newsletter (my funnel). Other baits are free reports, audio and teleconferencing.

And that is your number 1 goal, because the baits are more effective than trying to sell your product or your service on the first visit. Example: You are looking for a designer of web pages and find the following two ads: Web Designer Express service, incredible prices, exceptional service Web page designer does not invest a dime in a designer to read the report free 6 steps to economize in the design and not be Estafado by designers. Which of the two is more effective? Pass to the customer by the marketing funnel already customer entered into the funnel through the bait. Now you build the confidence that you purchase and recommend. But look at the mistake many make us say that you have a product that is worth $400. There will always be a small percentage that will invest that money in your market. But what about the rest? What can you do to make money passively with those who are not buying that product? If you look at the image below, the final part is the closer.