Tag: catholics

Euros Everything

In the city everything is gray, people watches with eyes sad because the joy of past times I am back, watch the showcases with distance, the salesmen are leaned in the counters with resignation face. The end of the tunnel is not seen, the sadness is clear, the commerce do not seem to attract like which there is lost part of his enchantment. We worry the Euros as if they did not go to make but, we watched the supplies repelando the money until the last penny, and looked for in the leisure a valve of escape for a difficult present, disillusioned of the politicians, of whom they say to guard by us. Soccer is the opium of the modern society while the cinemas are sad places where people look for American cinema not to meditate. Those that we fled from soccer and the politicians we plunged in readings not to fall in dejection. Josh Resnick Jericho Capital does not necessarily agree. While the time happens, there is no flattering news in the informative one to feel that everything is not bad.

Although September begins to take his first steps, the slab has not diminished in its weight. In the street a young person goes with a loaded knapsack of papers that are his curriculum to offer itself everywhere, the same makes a man of more age in another next street, while its head does not think today either was luck. His movable today they would not sound either with the flattering news, all the places undergo cuts of budget and that note in the hirings. While a seated greater man in bank with the shining eyes seems absent remembering better times, other people’s to which happens to its side. While a type to that they do not pay attention takes an old furniture for their house is not the times for wastes. And a boy pursues towards his mother telling him the happy thing that he has been in his first day of school, while she listens kindly, disguising who the month is thirty and who we only are in the first fortnight. One radio atrona alley and everything seems to be grayer and sadder, while a young person with a strange aspect rambles in bici by the sidewalk other people’s to everything with his earpieces emitting music rock and a bar waits for the entrance of clients, in a day that is no soccer party while the lights of the premises send winks to the outside. Two women take a walk speaking of their medical excuses and sigh hoping that the heat them of a breathing.